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Eswar Kosaraju

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since Nov 10, 2000
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J2ME is a set of tools and APIs to develop applications for various devices (like cell phones, PDAs, pagers) other than PCs.
so, the APIs, and the implementations of the the JVM will be quite different from those you come across in JDK.
no, there won't be any questions whatsoever from J2ME in SCJP examination. cos for the simple reason that its not there in the syllabus. so, just relax and go ahead with your preparation.

all the best !!!
23 years ago
well davis,
J2ME like jdk 1.3 is a set of tools and APIs for developing applications for various devices, other than PCs. These devices can be divided into two categories: those that can communicate without any physical connection (like PDAs, cell phones, pagers) and those with a physical connection (like ovens, refregirators)
J2ME specifically addresses the need for application development for both categories, through its Profiles and Categories.
where j2me differs from jdk is that the set of APIs are limited and different and the JVM (here, the KVM) implementation is also different. This is due to the fact that such devices have limited memory and bandwidth.
if u r interested, u can check out sun's site at:
or if u already have the reference implementation, u can startoff with some tutorials at:

23 years ago
well, it depends on what environment ur gonna use ur applications for. if ur interested in developing applications for various devices apart from PCs, J2ME is the best one for you.This is what Sun says:
"J2ME specifically addresses the vast consumer space, which covers the range of extremely tiny commodities such as smart cards or a pager all the way up to the set-top box, an appliance almost as powerful as a computer.", though they promise the much touted java portability across a wide plethora of devices, they still have a long way to go, but then, i think they will achieve that in the near future.
23 years ago
well i would like to add a point to what the others have said about j2me. apart from being a suite of tools for developing applications for wireless devices, one can also develop applications for other consumer durables, like microwave owens, refregirators, etc. Currently, the API for programming to those devices in the form of Embedded Java, but likely to be incorporated into the J2ME fold in the future.
23 years ago
dear zhewen,
congrats on ur SCJP success. well, as far as architect resources r concerned, startin with EJB, its better u go to and download a copy of 'Mastering Java Beans' from Ed Roman. Surely, its a masterpiece and worth readin than the ones available in the market. but the down side of that is the hard copy is not available any where over here ( i live in Vizag, AP, India) and it costs around $40 in US.
other books on EJB u mightve come across include:
Enterprise Java Beans - Richard Monson Haefel
he maintains a good site at
and one more site worth watchin on EJB is :
happy hunting !!!
dear victor,
well, as u might be aware, its got three levels and the total fee amounts to around $700, if i m not wrong.
for more info, check out
hi there,
i'm planning to take SCEA in jan. any one care to join hands and form into an alliance so that we can crack that thing down in the middle ?
i m an SCJP and i'm from vizag.
ow, cmon, man !
u did it atlast ! after all, how many people who have given the exam will get 100% result in such a difficult topic like threads and IO ? u don't have to be that cross with ur self !
i got a sorry 50% on operator precedence inspite of goin great in rest of the topics, bringin my overall percentage down to 85%.
....after all, u have achieved what very few people in the world aspire for: proven that u have now a standardized method of evaluatin ur java performance, from the 'Source' itself ! cheer up !
dear shailesh,
as u might be aware, WAP is a set of technologies for wireless communications. it has its own scriptin language, WML, that is mainly used by browser based applications.
well, comin to ur question, WAP and J2ME are two different things. This difference lies in the fact that WAP allows u to develop browser based, thin client applications, whereas using J2ME, u can develop 'fat' client applications, meanin applications that has better logic and can be run 'offline'.
u can think of applications developed through WAP as a HTML page and the application developed through J2ME as any java application, or a java applet. and obviously we can't compare a HTML page and a Java Applet, can we ? both, we can say, r complimentary to each other.
23 years ago