Daryl Wilding-McBride

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since Jul 18, 2003
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Have a look at iSync 1.1 - on the web site it is claimed that a P800 is supported.
iSync web page
21 years ago
In terms of using layout managers, I think the principles are similar to desktop development, only in a smaller area. You use what you need to use to get the display right. So don't feel that you need to cut down on the number of layout managers.
21 years ago
Sorry, I haven't seen this problem myself. Have you perused the Microsoft knowledge base? There are some useful articles in there.
21 years ago
You could use a Canvas and capture MouseEvents. Have a look at the DrawTest demo application that comes with the JDK 1.1.8. Then the hard part is interpreting the gestures :-).
21 years ago
Two thoughts:
(i) What do you mean by the CDC profile? Do you mean Foundation Profile? Or Personal Profile?
(ii) Have you tried a relative filepath?
21 years ago
I could see what I could do :-). Why don't you send me your wish list at daryl@javaonpdas.com.
21 years ago
Are you asking whether they perform well? Or whether they run at all? The answer to the latter question depends on the version of Palm OS. The midp4palm release notes specify Palm OS 3.5.x and 4MB of memory.
[ September 12, 2003: Message edited by: Daryl Wilding-McBride ]
21 years ago

Originally posted by Fernando Sanz:
What I don't like is its size; having so few pages and not talking about Personal Profile, I guess there isn't going to be that much for me

On the contrary, I would hope there's a still a lot there for you :-). It describes the differences between Personal Profile, PersonalJava, and J2SE. For the purposes of integrating with the enterprise via web services (which is covered using Personal Java in the flagship chapter), I'd be surprised if you found the API changes in PersonalProfile a huge difference.
[ August 24, 2003: Message edited by: Daryl Wilding-McBride ]
21 years ago
What do you mean by "skimming documents"? What sort of documents?
21 years ago
Creating the MIDlet suite is the relatively easy part. A number of MIDP books will tell you how, including mine. If you want me to go through it, I can , but I suspect you're expecting for the MIDlets in the suite to communicate between phones. This isn't possible in the current state of J2ME or mobile phones.
What I suggest you look at is using a server to exchange the address book. The first phone would send the book to the server, and the second phone would enquire about its availablility. This would have to be a custom address book, though, because it's also not possible to get access to the phone's addres book (unless the phone manufacturer has provided a J2ME API for that purpose.
21 years ago
J2ME doesn't provide that sort of integration with PalmOS. You would need to use PalmOS directly.
Have you had a look at IBM's WebSphere Device Developer (http://www-3.ibm.com/software/wireless/wsdd/)? Last time I used it, you could access the PalmOS API. So, it should be possible to write a Java application and use the PalmOS APIs for that sort of thing.
21 years ago
There's me4se (www.kobjects.org), which allows a MIDlet to run on J2SE. I haven't tried it on an applet, but it would be worth a look. Also, check out http://macrospace.com/.
21 years ago
If you're talking about MIDP on a mobile phone, there are no printing APIs in the spec. However, vendors who extend MIDP on their phones may offer such a thing.
21 years ago
As far as I knew all iPAQs shipped over the last two years or so were shipped with Jeode on a CD in the box. I'd double-check the CD, but in the event you don't have it, you can either (i) ask HP why you don't, or (ii) buy one from www.handango.com for about USD$50 if memory serves.
21 years ago
If the web server is not listening on the port you try to connect to, or if the URL is unreachable in a network sense, an openInputStream will throw an IOException.
21 years ago