Swapan Mazumdar

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Recent posts by Swapan Mazumdar


Has anyone any idea when Oracle is going to launch certification for Sun Certified Web Component Developer for the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6.

Any update...any insider in here?
I have got my answer through the link below. http://www.systemmobile.com/articles/strutsMessageResources.html

It has provided me clear insight about the resouce bundle.

Anyone who stumbles to this post must check this out.


18 years ago
If I define my own resource bundle using <message-resources> elements for my web module, how can I be able to access key / value into my jsp.

I have one entry in my struts-config.cfg file i.e <message-resources parameter="ApplicationResource"/>

I want to use it to store and access data related to smtp server, individual email addresses.

Please can somebody help.

thanks in advance,

18 years ago
Hi Bill,

Thanks for your input. I have just begun with Castor. Though I stumbled initally while creating java classes with the existing .xsd file because of some Special Data Type like GUID with curly braces, yet I still continued with it. I found it limiting at times when schema had special elements of data type.

Do you think I still might consider moving over to jaxb considering the problems I had initially. Pl. consider that my requirement is to create xml file(input) from shopping cart and create output as xml to be passed it over to payment gateway.


Please suggest the best practices of creating java classes for xml schema (.xsd). Actually the requirement is to instantiate java objects, payment details and eventually send an xml file with details of shooping cart to payment gateway.
In have some understanding about JAXB that I had used earlier for capturing of census data from remote locations.

Please provide your inputs.
Hi All,

I need to implement xml over http to send request as xml to a payment gateway i.e https://www.payment.server/pay.asp and process the response coming as xml back to the client.

Does Apache XML-RPC is an answer to this?
Please share any other java implementation technologies suitable for this requirement and tried and tested.

best rgrds

Originally posted by Ulf Dittmer:
No, it's part of the Tomcat API, right here...

Hi Ulf,

I have realized just then that it's in the tomcat5 docs. Thanks. I am trying hard to find access to Thread Pool object. That's what I have been looking for whole of my life

18 years ago

Originally posted by William Brogden:
If all these requests are going through the same application it seems to me that a request filter is what you want. Your filter can keep track of pending requests and refuse or otherwise throttle access as the number rises.

I would like this to be happening at the controller level. Actually I have an airlines booking apps embedded with the website. It is the airlines app which hogs the thread pool and overflows the stack since the underlying connection is never released when the connection to GDS is terrible. I would like the website to be up and running always and manage the threads at the booking engine level using servlet controller before the requests is finally passed on further to rmi/jini server.

I really appreciate your suggestion and will consider. Currently I am trying to create a reporting on thread pools(# busy, #waiting, ThreadStatus)

Kind regards,

Swapan Mazumdar
18 years ago

...You can use the Tomcat server API to gain access to Tomcat internals, something like:
(CoyoteConnector) service.findConnectors(...)

Hi Ulf,

It is a while since I had read your reply. I am resuming work on this problem and looking for some help again. I am trying to understand how I can get access to Server through ServerFactory.getServer(). Does this line of API is found in Java Servlet APIs.


Swapan Mazumdar
18 years ago
Hi William,

As you know I am using Access Logger Valve for Catalina.
Is it possible to have roll over logging based on weekly/monthly schedule. If so do I need to change the params in the "pattern" or the access logger definition.

I am hoping you have some answers.


18 years ago
Hi William,

I have made a valve entry in the server.xml for the engine and it seems to be working fine for the Funnel Web Analyzer. I realised that tomcat follows the W3C Extended File Format for log file creation.

Following is the entry.
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve" prefix="catalina_log." suffix=".txt" directory="physical path" pattern="common" timestamp="true"/>


18 years ago
I am trying to implement BASIC authentication for a web app. I am getting following errors. Do I need to create my custom login page and control the validation? I was expecting this to work like windows authentication. Please can anyone help?

2005/11/22 11:58:57 org.apache.catalina.authenticator.FormAuthenticator authenticate
WARNING: Unexpected error forwarding to login page

Following are the entries in the web.xml:
<web-resource-name>Protected Area</web-resource-name>
<realm-name>Basic Authentication Mechanism</realm-name>
18 years ago
Can anyone guide me through to use Funnel Web Analyzer v5 for tomcat logs? How should I be able to create log files to be fed to Funnel Web Analyzer?
I have seen people using IIS to create W3C Extended log File format file to feed the Funnel Web.

How can I achieve the similar goal with Tomcat?
Thanks in advance.


18 years ago

Following code

throws exception

I think this exception has something to do with the code below when I create an attachment of the uploaded file as InputStream.
How can I resolve this issue?

[ October 27, 2005: Message edited by: Swapan Mazumdar ]
18 years ago

Originally posted by Ulf Dittmer:
The most popular package seems to be iText...

Thanks Ulf, iText seems be a great tool for generation of pdf / rtf files. The examples are very feature rich.
19 years ago