shiva raju

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since Aug 12, 2003
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Recent posts by shiva raju

Hi all,

Could you please let know high level approach in implementing Work flow logic in JAVA enterprise application.The scenario is like in a portal user1(Requestor) works on a specific problem partly with his comments , and then the request is sent to pool of registered users.One among the users(Responder) in the pool will pick up the partly solved problems and provides to his own comments. The request should be sent back to requestor. The request message will have to travel to and fro between requestor and responder. Can we implement using Java or do we need to have workflow tools/APIs integrated with Java ?

Can any one help me in this. It should be similar logic as that of this Java ranch Forum application works.

You need to purchase the Vouchure from authorized prometric center.
I have taken SCEA Part I in prometric center(NIIT) using vouchure. So my doubt is whether after registering in, can i download the Assignment from the same same URL ? Also the payment details are being asked in Dollars. I did not find in that URL to pay in indian currency using Indian Credit/Debit card(As i have Indian bank account). I am trying to find out the way in which payment can be made in indian currency in order to be able to download the Assignment.

Can you please help me in this.

Thanks in advance.
Hi Rana,

I have some issues while downloading the SCEA Part II assignment. I have taken vouchure from NIIT prometric center. But after registering in and trying download the assignment , it says invalid access code. Just wanted to know Can you please please help me in this. If you can provide me contact details , will call you. My mail id is

Thankd in advance.

I have passed SCEA 5 Part I couple of months back. And couple of days back, i have taken vouchure for SCEA Part II from nearest prometric center(NIIT).
But prometric center agent is not sure from where
we need to down load the assignment.Upon calling Oracle at customer care they have mentioned to use the guidelines present in registering and providing the Part II vouchure details , it says invalid access code.

Can you please let me know if any one taken the SCEA Part II Exam from INDIA. Please let me know contact details.

Thanks in advance.
