Vijay, Bakshi

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Recent posts by Vijay, Bakshi

Is there anyone out there who can help me. I thought javaranch was better than this.
Thanks to anyone who posts in this forum. I want to know how to send the output to a printer instead of the console or a file on the disk.
Thanks in advance
23 years ago
Bill are you there? Can you help me?
[This message has been edited by Vijay, Bakshi (edited May 03, 2001).]
23 years ago
Is there anyone who can help me??
23 years ago
Hi Everyone!
I'm new to this forum. Could anyone help me and give me some info on sending the output to a printer instead of a file on the disk.
Thanks in Advance.
23 years ago

Originally posted by Deepak Magoo:
Hi all
I really appreciate everybodys opinion in this forum. but i will not be able to give the exam again due to financial constraints. anyhow thanx a lot. i really worked hard for it. i practiced a lot of mock exams also tried JQplus. i was getting good marks in all the mock exams around 85-90%. but i do not know what happened in the real exam. anyhow best of luck to everybody taking the exam. anybody having any questions can contact me at

Dear Paul Anil,
Well here is someone who has tried out JQPlus and it still did'nt help him clear the exam, well it does not have a good bearing on JQPlus, I wanted to try it but then ..........
23 years ago
Dear Sridevi,
One of the objectives of the SCJP exam regarding Threads is;
Write code using synchronized, wait(), notify() and notifyAll() to protect against concurrent access problems and to communicate between threads.
Well I went through all the topics posted in the link you gave but I never saw the use of wait(), notify() and notifyAll()in any of the code, can you give me links to some other resource where these can be found.

Originally posted by Harpal Singh:
Dear Deepak,
Very sorry to hear abt your result........What can be done now .....prepare again and give your best shot next is difficult to pass the first time though...

Dear Harpal,
I think that I went through a topic posted here in javaranch where you had mentioned about "text box typing in" type of question where you had lost marks because you used quotes. Could please share more info on that, what do the sun guys expect when we key in an answer the provided text box? Are not the instructions clear? Where can I get more info in this, coz I'm sure you're one person who will have it!!

[This message has been edited by Vijay, Bakshi (edited January 30, 2001).]
23 years ago

Originally posted by Sridevi Shrikanth:
U can refer to maha anna's discussion about threads. She has a detailed description about every scenario of threads and synchronisation

Dear Sridevi,
One of the objectives of the SCJP exam regarding Threads is;
Write code using synchronized, wait(), notify() and notifyAll() to protect against concurrent access problems and to communicate between threads.
Well I went through all the topics posted in the link you gave but I never saw the use of wait(), notify() and notifyAll()in any of the code, can you give me links to some other resource where these can be found.
Thanks Bill for making the code more readable and thanks Sridevi for giving me a link to maha's discussion on threads.
I could not find any examples in most of the books which gave a full working code of wait and notify methods in a synchronized method sharing a common resource. I have worked out this example, please do post some more examples and you ideas here which will help me and others understand the wait and notify methods from different angles.

Here two threads CalculateThread and DisplayThread use the same resource in synchronzed methods in a for loop. The CalculateThread sets the value and waits for the Display thread to Display the value of commonvar which is a shared variable. Compile and Run the code to see the result.
******I added UBB Code tags to make this more readable — Bill*******
[This message has been edited by bill bozeman (edited January 26, 2001).]
Thanks Bharatesh;
I'll try the Malleswaram Numbers you gave.
Thanks again.
Dear Rebecca,
Thanks a lot for for the info. Where exactly can I pay my fees to get a voucher. I had gone to BiTech (Residency Road - near Brigade Road) they told me that vouchers are not available and to call them before coming. Well I have been calling for the last two weeks and yesterday person concerned said that they did not get voucher for the past one month and to call back at the end of the week!!! Do give me the details regarding the center where I should go and pay the fees to get the voucher.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks VERY VERY much

Dear Rebecca,
Thanks a lot for for the info. Where exactly can I pay my fees to get a voucher. I had gone to BiTech (Residency Road - near Brigade Road) they told me that vouchers are not available and to call them before coming. Well I have been calling for the last two weeks and yesterday person concerned said that they did not get voucher for the past one month and to call back at the end of the week!!! Do give me the details regarding the center where I should go and pay the fees to get the voucher.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks VERY VERY much

Hi everyone,
I have been trying to get the voucher here in India (Bangalore) but have not been able to get it for quite some time, the center people told me that they did'nt get any voucher since one month. I just wanted to know if this is only here in Bangalore or is it everywhere.
I'd appreciate some help regarding this. Moderators I don't know if this topic is appropriate for this forum but I'm certain that I need help.
Thanks again.
Dear Nils,
As long as the post makes sense and is useful the length does not matter, I guess that's all java what javaranch is about, Am I right??.

[This message has been edited by Vijay, Bakshi (edited January 08, 2001).]
23 years ago