Suresh Selvaraj

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Recent posts by Suresh Selvaraj

Has any one used RFTS technology for transferring filesbetween remote locations. (Please Note: NOT the FTP method of transferring files)

Suresh Selvaraj
20 years ago
Since the user has to navidate through several screens, how to manage the data.


Screen 1: (Fill up all the fields)
Screen 2: (Fill up some fileds)
Screen 3: (Fill up some fields)

If its a JSP/Servlet application, we can maintain the data in Http Session and finally save the data when the user pushes SAVE BUTTON in SCREEN 1.

Since this is a Swing based application, I need to save the data in each screen to the database, and when I navigate from Screen 3 to screen 1, I need to read the data from database etc...

I'd like to know if there is any way by which I can maintain the data temporarily and then finally save the data to database.

Suresh Selvaraj
20 years ago
We have a new project that has a rich client (Swing).

Here is the design that we have finalised:

Swing application (deployed in IBM WAS 5.0)
| (invokes)
Business Delegate
Session Facade (Stateless Session EJB's)
| (invokes) DB@ database for Search operations oe Entity EJB for Insert.
Entity Beans

Presently, we do not have SERVLETS as Controllers. From Swing based on Events, we invoke the Business Delegates directly.

I'd like to know if this is OK or should we open any SOCKET/URL Connection to invoke SERVLETS?

I'd like to have your suggestions incase if you have implemented similar application.

Thanks and Regards,
Suresh Selvaraj
20 years ago
For one of our new projects(J2EE) we need to size Weblogic server i.e. in terms of CPU, Clustering etc.
Any documents/templates/benchmarks for Weblogic Server Sizing will be helpful.
Suresh Selvaraj
20 years ago
1.Which of the following statements about access modifiers public,
private, protected and default (i.e. no access modifier) is True?
A.The access modifier private is more restrictive than default.
B.The public access modifier is the least restrictive.
C.The default access modifier is more restrictive than protected.
D.The protected access modifier is more restrictive than default access modifier.
E.The private access modifier is more restrictive than protected access modifier.
class DCTest
int x=0;

public static void main(String[] args)
DCTest d = new DCTest();

int methodA()
public int a=9;
protected int b=18;
private int c=27;
static int d=18;
native int e=18;
transient int f=18;
return a;

What is the result? Prints:
C.Compilation fails
D.methodA() should be declared static. x=0 should be declared static.
F.Only the static variable d in methodA() is accessible from main()
and can be printed.

package a;

public class DCTest
XXXXXX static int x=9;


package b;
import a.DCTest;

class DCQTest extends DCTest
public static void main(String[] args)

How can you declare variable x in class DCTest so that it is not visible
outside the package a?
1.private static int x=9;
2.protected static int x=9;
3.abstract static int x=9;
4.public static int x=9;
5.static int x=9;
- Suresh Selvaraj
Answer choice B is correct.
"is a " relationship exists when a subclass extends the behaviour of a Super class or if an interface extends another interface.
interface Rectangle extends Shape - reflects "is a " type of relationship.
"like a " relationship exists when a class implements an interface.
Hence, answer choices A and C reflect "like a" type of relationship.
Based on your application/reporting needs, you need to decide on how many words to be allowed in a single line.
Use as many rows( <fo:column-cell...<fo:block) as possible.

Suresh Selvaraj
21 years ago
Sorry about my previous post:
Try parsing & and < to "&" and "<".
Are you using com.lowagie API or XSL-FO?
Suresh Selvaraj
21 years ago
Try parsing & and < to & and <
Reg. space bet. paragraphs: You need to take care of splitting the line in your program by using proper line breaks.
Suresh Selvaraj
21 years ago
Since there is no mention about the contents/size of the file to be read, for a moderate file size with approx. 1000 lines of name/value pairs,
I 'd read the file when the server starts up, cache it and use it in EJb or elsewhere.

Suresh Selvaraj
I tried your example and it works fine.
Here are the SQLs:
insert into temp(User_Name)
I used JDBC to retrieve the User_Name and I get the String "N/A".
Suresh Selvaraj
If you are using PreparedStatement then you may try this.
PreparedStatement ps=null;
if(textString == null)
ps.setNull(1, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR);
Suresh Selvaraj
You may try WebGain's VisualCafe IDE which takes care of ejb-jar.xml and weblogic-ejb-jar.xml.
Suresh Selvaraj
Sun Certified Java Programmer
I don't see any <%@ page import="Item" %> in your JSP.
Suresh Selvaraj
21 years ago
String s = "Java";
document.[formName].[fieldName].value="<%= s %>";
String x1 = null;
var s1 = "JAVA";
if(s1 != "")
x1="Any Computed Value or JAVA";
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="Counter" VALUE="<%=x1%>">
Hope this helps.
Suresh Selvaraj
Sun Certified Java Programmer
21 years ago