Davide Zanichelli

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since Aug 22, 2003
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Recent posts by Davide Zanichelli

I Passed too!!! but only visible in Prometric... and no idea about the score!
it seem that the new logos will be available within the next 6 months, and the old ones are no more supported :-(........ maybe i should mention in my CV!
that's what i was expecting! the ugly logo style SCWCD... but i got this one even more confusing... it seem that at sun they decided they cannot bear any more this logo and painted new ones, but in the meantime they are messing up with the logos.
i asked them information, but no reply upto now...
I've got this reply from SUN today, and they say it's fine.. Is it your a SCEA too?
> Hello,
> We currently have one Java logo for all of our Java Certifications. We > will be creating individual logos in the near future.
> Regards,
> Monica
> > Davide Zanichelli wrote:
> >
> > Dear Sirs,
> > I've downloaded the logo, I'm only surprised that there is no mention > on it
> > that it's a Java architect logo.
> > Is it correct?
> > Best Regards
> > Davide
> >
I finally got my SCEA logo, but there is no mention that it's an architect logo, "just" Java professional... is it correct??

Originally posted by Narayanan Jayaraman:
How long it took to submit the second exam after finishing the first exam ? Thanks

I submitted the 2nd part 1 and half month after part I, but I think that for what concern them you can even submit it the day after you receive your assignment...

Originally posted by m richards:
when do you see your score, for the SCJP you saw your score immediately

You see your score on certmanager after about 1 month (only part II reported), on prometric it will show that you failed part III soon after you took the test (even if you succeeded, I dont know if they will correct to success after a while...)
Alfred, do you ever check your private messages?

Originally posted by Billy Tsai:
did u base ur design on the Petstore architecture? I am basing mine on that sample blueprint and using same design patterns from it
also did u show create relationships like
DAO----------->Value Objects
and is it necessary to show all of them or can I just mention in my documentation because the diagram will be messy and cluttered ?
also do you design the travle agent's Swing GUI client program as well? or just the webtier
do we have to show the design(class and component diagrams) for the travle agent's Java Swing client GUI program?

Hi Billy,
I've followed the Mark Cade book sample, even if somehow it was pretty confusing, because i thought that since he prepared the exam...
no, i didn't report relationships to VO, my diagrams were pretty simple.
No swing client...
but maybe that's where i lost my points.... if you have more patience than me, maybe you should do and see if you get a better score...

Originally posted by dbala subramaniam:
I also Submitted almost 3 weeks back so far no response
How Sun will inform the Assignment result, is there any email or
we need to go and look for Certfication Manager
please give guidelines
with regards

Hi Dbala,
you can get rid of 'Mr.' when posting to me...
anyway, I've sent an email to suncert saying that i've already submitted the post, and after few days my result was in certmanager... no confirmation email anyway. now i'm waiting for the certificate by mail.
I didn't get where are you from? And especially, which citizenship do you have?

Originally posted by Billy Tsai:
I need help......

I can try to help, but I don't know how much...
I've used embarcadero as modeling tool, it has some interesting feature to express include of another SD. The tool itself has some bugs, and at the end I had to manually edit the gif files to have a nicer result.
What I can say I know UML pretty well, so it wasn't too difficult, even if I still learned something new for this exam.
Here is my report per section...
Class Diagram (44 maximum) .......................... 39
Component Diagram (44 maximum) ...................... 34 Sequence/Colloboration Diagrams (12 maximum) ........ 10
and I didn't use EJB2.0 features, since I didn't know if it was allowed.
I tried to remain as generic as possible from this point of view.
In general I was very worried about changing the models, even where it
looked really nonsense, since it was saying not to change the requirements,
but I don't know if it has been good idea.
My opinion is that if you just want to pass is not that tough,
if you want an amazing score... you better ask someone else.
Hope this helps...
took part III exam 29th July, and I did 1 class diagram, 1 component diagram, 4 sequence diagrams, 1 tiny assumpion page...
As far as i know, looking for a job right now in Switzerland you have some chances if you are from EU, almost no chance otherwise. And even if you are already in Switzerland, that's not the best moment...