dibs dibley

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since Aug 31, 2003
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Recent posts by dibs dibley

hey, jsut wondering if you ever found out what the difference is between 212-035 and 310-035??

I have an application that serves a number of html files and jsp's.The user must login at the very start using the built in authorization from Apache The <files *.html> tag in the httpd.conf file works fine(ie prompts me for my password, and if i give the wrong one, denies me access), but when I try and use it for <files *.jsp>, it prompts me for my username and password, and if I give a wrong one the page is still served up. I have noticed that any images that should be shown are not if the username/password was wrong, so i'm guessing that tomcat is just ignoring the realm.
Anyone know how to fix this?
21 years ago
Is there anyway I can do something like an 'endsWith' in a Select statement to restrict the resultset that comes back from mysql?
I have a lookup on filenames, and would like to be able to restrict the select to .txt, .exe, .java, etc. etc. Is this possible, or do I have to get the whole resultset and then do an:
if (endsWith("txt")){
or something like that?

Thanks in advance,
I'm not sure it is the same for all of them but..
My browser's handling of form encoding is seriously crap.When you submit the form data,it is automatically defaulted to iso-8859-1.
So when I collect the submitted form data in my jsp/servlet I have to do this...
String temp=mybean.getDns1();
temp=new String (mybean.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"),"shift_jis");
Hope this helps!
21 years ago
Just wondering if there is a way to do form processing straight from a jsp to a servlet. Do i not need to use the <jsp property="*"/> to grab all the parameters. I have a number of parameters across multiple forms so i need a way to grab all the post information in one go!
Anyone know?
21 years ago
I am having a bit of a problem with japanese character encoding.I have a jsp form which when i submit goes to a validation jsp which forwards the request on to a servlet which enters the data in a database.
Unfortunately when the form information goes from the validation jsp to the servlet something goes wrong and i just get '???' where the character string should be.
If i go directly from the form jsp to the servlet the characters display fine, but unfortunately my bean does not record any of the changes made in the form ( What is the servlet equivalent to: <jsp: property="*"/> .
My 'getAttribute("bean")' just retrieves the info that was already in the form , not the new information I just typed in!

Any one got any ideas? I use ' <jsp:forward page="../dbserv"> in the validation jsp.
Thanks in advance,
21 years ago
Thats it!

21 years ago
Just wondering how i pass a value into a bean from a servlet directly without having to do a submit button. The bean will do a database lookup based on that value!

21 years ago
This may be simple but...
I have a value passed to a servlet via a get i.e. ?item=value
I retrieve this value with request.getProperty(value);
but i want to put the value into a bean so as serveral other jsp's and servlets can retrieve it from that bean.
How do i do it?
21 years ago
The servlet will send some particular data from the database to the cgi program depending on what checkbox is clicked on a jsp page.
I'd like to do this without using javascript, is there any way?
21 years ago
Hi I have a bean that will have a session scope across a number of jsp's and servlet's. It will hold a primary key parameter so as another bean can look up the info from the database to populate the form.jsp I have.
The primary key parameter will be chosen in a choice.jsp page when the user wants to update some forms, other times the user will want to add a new record to the forms.
How do i make sure that when the user is adding a new record that the 'primary key parameter ' from the last update won't be used?
Thanks in advance!
21 years ago
I want to post data to a cgi file, but instead of using a form my servlet will retrieve the information from a database!
Anybody have any ideas on how this can be done?

Thanks in advance.
21 years ago
In my application the user chooses an 'id' from a list (choice.jsp) and then is brought to a number of html forms (6 jsp files in total) where they fill out different information in each of the forms.
Each form must be populated by information from the database, and each time a change is made to a form that change must be recorded in the database.
The primary key is the 'id' so i must pass this to each of the forms so as they can get the correct record information for that 'id'.
I was going to use an id-bean with session scope for the 'id' and indivdual beans with request scope for each of the forms.
When the user goes from choice.jsp to the first form they will be first brought to a servlet which will set the 'id' attribute in the id-bean and retrieve all the database fields for that form and put the info in that form's bean, each of the form.jsp's will have their own servlet that will get the fields from the database.
Will this type of approach work, and as well sometimes i may want to add a new user , so their will be no 'id' field at the start, how do i make sure the 'id' of the last user is not still held in the id-form so no information will be retrieved from the database?
Thanks in advance
21 years ago