Kevin Mao

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since Sep 03, 2003
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Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition Technology Part II (310-061)
Date Taken: 2004-02-01 17:31:45.997
Registration Number:
Grade: P
Score: 93
Comment: This report shows the total points that could have been awarded in each section and the actual amount of points you were awarded. This information is provided in order to give you feedback on your relative strengths on a section basis. The maximum number of points you could have received is 100, minimum to pass is 70. Class Diagram (44 maximum) .......................... 43 Component Diagram (44 maximum) ...................... 40 Sequence/Colloboration Diagrams (12 maximum) ........ 10
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition Technology Part II (310-061)
Date Taken: 2004-02-01 17:31:45.997
Registration Number:
Grade: P
Score: 93
Comment: This report shows the total points that could have been awarded in each section and the actual amount of points you were awarded. This information is provided in order to give you feedback on your relative strengths on a section basis. The maximum number of points you could have received is 100, minimum to pass is 70. Class Diagram (44 maximum) .......................... 43 Component Diagram (44 maximum) ...................... 40 Sequence/Colloboration Diagrams (12 maximum) ........ 10
20 years ago
Whizlabs is good. You can catch the points using it.
I am still on the way to SCEA.
Dear all,
I am preparing the design for SCEA part II. In drawing the sequence diagram,
I refer to the example in SUN SL-425 trainning material. From these examples, J2EE pattern has been used in the sequence diagram. As the increase of the components such as view helper, front controller, business delegate, the sequence diagram is becoming much bigger.
I am not sure about if the using of J2EE pattern in drawing sequence diagram. Any person who are preparing or passed SCEA, would you give your suggestion?