Kobe Phenom

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since Sep 03, 2003
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Recent posts by Kobe Phenom

i hav made my jar and jad file for my midlet. i'm new with j2me. i want to install my midlet in a mobile phone. can anybody help me how i can be able to do that? please... i don't hav any idea right now.
20 years ago
i would like my mobile application to print information. can anyone help me how i would be able to do that or give me an example? thanks in advance.
20 years ago
Thanks! How about if i would like to create an excutable file for my application? can you help me how i would be able to do that? i.e. i like to store it in a cd together with the emulator so that i could run it in a desktop and use it for demo purposes?tnx again in advance
20 years ago
i have created a mobile application and i have created a midlet suite. can anyone help me how i can install the midlet in a mobile phone. i have seen a number of articles about ota provisioning but i can't figure out how to do it. can anyone please help me about this? an example code perhaps. please.
20 years ago
i am trying to create an application that implements a midlet-servlet communication. i used datainputstream to pass strings between them.however an ioexception is issued. i found out that the exception occurs everytime i try to use the readUTF method to get the contents of the datainputstream. can anyone help me how i can solve my problem? or give an example.
thanks in advance.
20 years ago
need urgent help...
the xml (xhtml) that i need to parse using (xerces) SAXParser comes from a MIDlet, the data is passed (in xhtml format) to a servlet which then calls the parser to parse the data. Unfortunately, J2ME doesn't have file handling classes/methods thus the need of my parser to use InputSource. the MIDlet (client) is sending the data in xhtml format, and then the parser should parse the data directly from the InputStream. when the MIDlet tries to send data, the parser is getting an unknown source...
some code snippets:
(inside my servlet)
(inside my SAX parser)
i couldn't pinpoint where the error might be... please help. thanks.
[ October 30, 2003: Message edited by: Lasse Koskela ]
i want to load an image in my midlet but i want to set the path of my image in a properties file.can anyone help me how or perhaps give me an example on how to load a properties file?thanks in advance.
20 years ago
I want to create a load a property file with the following stmt:
try {
resourceBundle = model.getResourceBundle(BASE_NAME_UI_RESOURCES);
}catch (ApplicationException e) {
System.err.println("Exception: " + e);

However, there is "Uncaught exception java/lang/OutOfMemoryError" when itry to run the program.
Can anyone help me figure out my problem? or perhaps give me an example on how to load a property file? tnx in advance.
20 years ago
i would like to display an image in a midlet. however, when i try to create an image, an error message :couldn't find resource" is issued. i've checked the location of my image but it still displays the message.can anyone tell me what might be its cause?
thanks in advance.
20 years ago
I would like to display an image in a midlet,however,when i try to create an image, an error message : "couldn't find resource" is displayed.i have checked the location of my image but it still doesn't work. can anyone tell me what maybe wrong?thanks in advance.
21 years ago
can anyone help me how i can programmatically start the database server of hsqldb.i.e. the user would not need to type java -cp ..\lib\hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.Server -database databasename in the command line?
I have a problem on creating an executable jar file that connects to the database. It runs ok when executed within the NetBeans IDE but it doesn't connect to the database when i created a desktop shortcut. Can anyone help me?
I am displaying my tbale headers from a dtabase but i would like to group some of the column headers. Can anyone give me a sample code on how i could do it?Thanks in advance
21 years ago