satish pune

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since Sep 04, 2003
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Recent posts by satish pune

Hello ,
I am trying to display French characters

I am using UTF8 - however it displays question marks and not the correct format in French

Any help in this regard would be appreciated
19 years ago
In a previous project the manner in which we were handling i18n was the url entered by user would have the locale data

http://localhost:8080/i18n/showList?ln=en_US for US english

http://localhost:8080/i18n/showList?ln=fr_FR for French

The question - can we trap locale data without passing data in the querystring ?
19 years ago
In a previous project where we were using struts the action classes were making calls to methods defined in stateless session beans .

These bean methods were then making calls to static methods defined in a separate class - which we termed as our Business classes

These Business classes would interact with the database .

My question was - in case of retrieving data from the database - ( using select queries ) is it still necessary to make calls through the EJB Layer ?

In case of simply retrieving data is this not an overhead ?
What advantages/disadvantages does this approach incurr ?

Regards ,
Thanks for your reply

However - I have not been able to make progress

I have changed the scope of the form bean to session

As a result - the subform array is now populated with three elements

I am also able to see the three elements on the JSP

I am showing a checkbox and a text box

However - whenever I submit the form - only the reset method of the form bean is getting invoked and then directly the action class

None of the setters of the subform alements is getting invoked

Is this in someway related to the iteration ?

Thanks in advance,
19 years ago
Hello ,
I will try and explain what I am trying to do :
To reach the first UI screen I am getting records from the database
So I do not know the size of the records
This I want to populate on the JSP
Against each of these records - I intend to use a checkbox
user can then select the records he / she desires
Then user can submit the from

The problem is - I am not sure about the approach I need to follow to
find which records the user had selected

I may be confusing you folks -
so here is the code that I have

The variable - " searchSubForm " contains an array - each JavaBean encapsulates the database record.

In the JSP - the code to show the data on ui is :

However when I am posting the same form the subform array is null

My form is in request scope
In such cases is it required that I place the form on session ?

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Thanks in advance ,
19 years ago
Thanks Jeanne - that was helpful !

Hello ,
I am using Eclipse 3.0.0 and am relatively new at using Eclipse
I have used JBuilder and have come to like the ability to
add System.out.println(""); - by just using a Keyboard shortcut - Ctrl + J

However - I have not been able to figure out how to go about the same in Eclipse

Its quite irritating to everytime write the same thing again !

Thanks ,
Hello ,
I am slightly confused with the terminology about docroot

Does this mean that it is the docroot of the webserver ?
Can an application server have a docroot at all ?

I am using Tomcat
In this case I place my application under "webapps"

Does each application under "webapps" have its own doc root ?

Thanks in advance ,
19 years ago
If in a Java method at the end - I explicitly set the String variable to null
will this cause any performance improvement ?
19 years ago
Hello Somkiat ,
Thanks for ur reply .

I tried testing the same and I still get the same output

In the database I see the japansese text in an unreadable format
The oracle database is set to NLS_CHARACTERSET = UTF8

Any help would be appreciated

Thanks ,
19 years ago
Hello ,
I have some text stored in an oracle database - and it is supposed to be Japansese text

It appears in some strange format when I query the database

Using a servlet - I am generating html output and want to show this Japansese text

However all I get on the UI are - " ??? "

Can anyone please advise what I would need to do - in order to solve this problem ?

19 years ago
Hello ,
This is similar to what I posted earlier - but thought would break up the two issues separately -

Here is what I am trying to do :

I am trying to get dynamic content in a HTML
for this purpose I am using Java Script to make a call to a servlet

Here is the code in the Html file

This works fine and I am able to reach my servlet

Since I am using Javascript in the servlet too to generate output I am using Document.write

Here is an excerpt of the code from the servlet

The problem is :
1 > The Javascript function of alert does not work at all

Is there a way of making Javascript functions work when I use Document.write in servlet to generate java script functions

Please help

Hello all ,
I have a static html page : decide.html"
which I invoke by the URL :




In this static page ( decide.html ) I want to make a call to a servlet .

Here I am making use of code similar to this in decide.html :

Now my control is transferred to the servlet and I can execute code

However the problem is : How do I pass the URL in the src attribute to the servlet

I would like to dynamically pass either :

based on which I would like the servlet to behave differently

Any help is appreciated
Thanks ,
Hello all ,
I am trying to use JDK1.4 logger in my application

I have configured a servlet.
Here is code from the servlet :

In my application code : here is what I have written :

The problem that I am facing is :
Though I am able to successfully log :
The log file seems to be increasing : the number of times that logging is happening is not correct :

What I have observed is the first time : log works fine and I get one entry in the file

On invoking the same class ( which makes the call to log )
I see the previous log entry + two more = Total = 3

Again if I invoke : I get : Previous 3 + New 4 = Total 7

Looks like some how the logger is maintaining the log data and appending it to the file

I am not very familiar with the Logging API

Could anyone help please ?

Thanks in advance ,
Hello everyone ,
I am trying to deploy the JSTL in ATG Dynamo 5.6

I have copied the following Jar files : "standard.jar" & "jstl.jar" to my lib directory

In the web.xml I have made an entry as :

I always get the exception while the server starts up :

**** ErrorTue Aug 31 10:41:53 GMT-07:00 20041093974113080/atg/dynamo/service/j2ee/J2EEContainerException org.xml.sax.SAXNotRecognizedException: Feature '' is not recognized. while opening D:\ATG\Dynamo5.6\eventsmanagement\j2ee-apps\eventsmanagement\web-app\WEB-INF\taglib\coreTaglib1_0.tldorg.xml.sax.SAXNotRecognizedException: Feature '' is not recognized.
**** ErrorTue Aug 31 10:41:53 GMT-07:00 20041093974113080/atg/dynamo/service/j2ee/J2EEContainerat org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.setFeature(Unknown Source)

Any help would be greatly appreciated
20 years ago