Kalai Ganesh

Ranch Hand
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since Sep 08, 2003
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Recent posts by Kalai Ganesh

Check your spelling for "SESSION"

Hi Ashwin,

If you look at the web.xml file, the <url-pattern> is not right for the second servlet. I think it's not recognizing the Secondservlet since you missed "/servlet" in the path.


Try it with the correction.

17 years ago

I am trying to install JBoss and Eclipse. I loaded both of them. I could see the error messages and status in the command line from where I have started ssrun cmd. Is there a way to bring it into the Eclipse console like we do in WSAD. Anyway to integrate them?

18 years ago

In coffee cram on chapter 7, the answer to question 6 says :

E. This page directive will only turn off EL evaluation if the DD declares a <el-ignored>true</el-ignored>element with a URL pattern that includes this JSP.

as the correct answer. But isn't it supposed to turn off EL for that particular page even if there isn't anything on EL in DD?
I feel the option D is the only right answer.
Can anyone help me with this??


Thanks for your prompt response. I have ordered HF-SCBCD.

Actually I was waiting for HF servlets and JSP and in the meantime going thru' the spec. for servlets. It's a good read. You can start of with that and by the time the book arrives you would have covered quite a lot. Also, I read Marty Hall's 2nd edition.
Good luck.

Sorry for those who feel that this is in the wrong forum.
19 years ago

Congrats on your effort! Only 3 weeks is the time you took? It's amazing to see such posts. I have a little knowledge about Beans and no practical knowledge. I was actually reading the spec. for SCWCD. Now I am tempted towards SCBCD. Please give me some suggestions.

19 years ago
Hai Ranchers,

We check the availability of a response header by using
containsHeader(string s).
But is there a way to get the value of a given response header?

Hai everyone,

I am new to weblogic. Can u please suggest me a book? My intention is not to get certified. I just need to learn to use it. Or the document alone is enough for a novice?

19 years ago
Hai Herb and James,
Thank you for your responses. I went through the chapter and it's great to see a fully functional code. Definitely it would be a good start for programmers like me.
I enjoyed reading Herb's "The complete reference". Hope this book would also be a good read.
20 years ago
I have read a little about web crawling, an interesting thing that I have always wondered how it worked. As far I have learnt, for the search engine to be efficient , we got to have the mirror of the sites and keep track of any changes in the original site. But with millions of sites over the net, how is it possible to keep track of site changes? Does the algorithm check for changes at regular intervals?
Does the book address the issues and overhead involved?
Thank you.
[ January 06, 2004: Message edited by: Kalai Ganesh ]
20 years ago
Yes Geeta, final modifier is allowed for the local variables. Also, that is the only one allowed.
There is static inner class(top-level nested class). But there is no static inner interface.
Basically the interface methods have to be overridden by some implementing class. If u have an inner static interface, it's like declaring it both abstract and static (which is not possible).
Also static methods cannot be overridden. (Though it can be redefined in the subclass).
If you take Dan's chapter-wise test on inner classes you can understand it well through the explanation provided by him. I think there is a link to his site in javaranch mock exam list.
Hope this helps.
Great score. How did feel about the exam? Your input might help those who are preparing for SCWCD.
20 years ago
I didn't come across any question like this in my exam. They don't expect you to remember the whole bunch of values.