Yan Lee

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since Sep 15, 2003
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Recent posts by Yan Lee

I need to configure Hibernate to use Tomcats Connection pool.
I am looking for resources/pointers to accomplish this.

I am looking to use either Hibernate or JDO in my J2EE application.
Since I am new to both, I am unable to decide on either one.

Please advise:
[1] Is one bettter than the other? Why?
[2] If JDO is better which implementation is advisable?
[3] How do they perform in production environment in terms of speed?

I am looking for a lightweight caching API for standalone java application.
Can anyone suggest one?

Thanks in advance of the help.
18 years ago
Hi all,
I am working on a web based application I need to write code to consume off a queue. But we do NOT want to use any EJB's. MQSeries is the messaging product.

I have the following questions
[1] What are my options to write the message consumer without using EJB's?

[2] Has anyone used the Apache Commons messenger API?
If so what is the review for the product?

Thanks in advance for the help.
Hi Scott,
Thanks for the pointers. I am going to go through the link and try figure out how it can be done.

Thanks again.
18 years ago
Hi Scott,
Thanks for your response. Do you mean create the bindings files manually without using any tools?

Can you give me some guidlines for creating the bindings files without using WSAD (if you know of any).

[1] links
[2] books
[3] reference to tools

would be great.

19 years ago
Hi all,
I am new to Webssphere and I have the following question.
How essential is it to have WSAD to do J2EE development for Websphere?
If I do not have WSAD, how else can I create the IBM specific bindings files?

I tried creating an sample app with 1 ejb and creating the bindings was a nightmare.

Thanks for the help.
19 years ago
Hi all,
I am looking for resources for learning J2EE configuartion and deployment.
Any pointers in this direction are welcome.

19 years ago
Hi all,
Has any of you had any luck with using XDoclet to generate the bindings files for ejb's in websphere 5.1?

I am also looking for good resources (free and otherwise) on the above topic. I need to develop a small web-app with a couple of EJBs in it but I do not have access to WSAD. I tried creating the bindings files manually but I am getting errors.

Thanks in advance for any help.
19 years ago
I am looking for a UML standalone/plugin for eclipse. I have the following requirements
[1] should be free
[2] should work well for sequence diagrams

Hi Samuel,

I was in a similar situation a few months ago and was not able to find the answer in Cactus. I needed an in-container testing framework that would help me test EJB, business logic , web services, POJOs and messaging components in my application. Also I wanted to externalize the test data from the test classes.

Finally, I wrote my framework and I am actively using it to test ejb's business logic, persistence and web services.

I have put it on sourceforge for others who might have similar needs. You can check it out at http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/marigold

There is detailed documentation on how to use the framework. Feel free to contact me (email id is on sf) if you decide on using it and have any doubts.
19 years ago
Hi all,
I am accessing information configured in an XML file using DOM (in a web application).

I have created a DTD to validate the XML file.
I have put the DTD in the /WEB-INF directory of my web app.

The code that parses the xml from within my web app is not able to locate the DTD during validation.

When I specify the location of the DTD on my file syste e.g. C:\myDTD.dtd, the app is able to locate it but when the location is /WEB-INF/myDTD.dtd, it is not able to.

I have the following questions:
1. How can I specify in my DOCTYPE that the DTD is located in the WEB-INF directory?
2. Do I need to do anything specific in the code to make the DTD availible to the xml processing code in the web app?

Thanks in advance for the help.
I have written utility that can be used in various applications (utility.jar). It is servlet driven(like struts).

I also wrote a web app to ensure the utility.jar can be practically used.
The utility.jar is in the WEB-INF/lib of the web-app. The web.xml has a <servlet> and <servlet-mapping> that points to the servlet in utility.jar.

However, the web app is not able to locate the servlet in utility.jar. I have checked to ensure that the servlet mapping is ok by pointing the <servlet-mapping> towards another servlet in the web-app and it seems to locate it.

For some reason, it is not able to locate the servlet in the utility.jar. Is there something specific that I need to do when packaging my utility.jar so that the servelt class inside it can be located?

Thanks for the help.
19 years ago
Hi all,
I have the following questions,
1. What is the major difference between DOM1 and DOM2?
2. What is the major difference between SAX1 and SAX2?

From what I was able to figure out, it seems to be in the namespaces, that the 1's did not support namespaces and 2's do.

Thanks for your help.
I want to have a HashMap that holds a few key value pairs for the application.
The HashMap should be availible as long as the application is alive.
I should be able to add/remove objects from the HashMap.

Can I achieve the above requirements if I make the HashMap instance static
and do initialization in a static initializer block?

Thanks in advance for the help.
19 years ago