guenter krannich

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since Sep 15, 2003
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Recent posts by guenter krannich

I just wanted to start using Apache Commons Configuration, but the simple

gets me an Eclipse error message "No exception of type ConfigurationException can be thrown; an exception type must be a subclass of Throwable"
What did I miss?
I've got a panel "top" containing several "sub" panels, I add "top" to the contentPane of a JDialog and I want to set the size of that dialog according to the size of "top". I use a BoxLayout for "top".
I started with setting the dialog's size with fixed values - works
then I tried to get the size of "top" and wanted to use this, but I get zero as width/height.
Grateful for any hint!
15 years ago
Hey Rob,
I was lucky, I found a solution!
Just insert

and you see a "metallic" frame including title bar!
15 years ago

Rob Prime wrote:Your frame is already as metal as it gets. You don't have any control over the title bar.

But I saw images of "metal frames" and internal frames including their title bars are loking "metallic" too, so I wonder why my frame still looks like Windows XP.
15 years ago
Having this :

I get a Windows XP Frame with a Metal Button in it.
How can I get a Metal Frame?
15 years ago

Mikko Kohtamäki wrote:Your Figur component's size is (0, 0), you could override getPreferredSize, getSize or getBounds for free component placement. Or just use setters.

Thanks Mikko!
Using setters worked, overriding getPreferredSize, too, although the resulting layout is different.
Overriding getSize and/or getBounds didn't make a (visible) difference.

Craig Wood wrote:skip frame.pack

Thanks Craig,
but this didn't show a better result!
15 years ago
This will be boring for most of you but I simply don't get it:
I want to paint a JComponent of my own so I did this from what I understood:

But only the button is shown not my rectangle.
What did I miss?
Grateful for your help
15 years ago
sorry, I wasn't precise:
the result of

is "exception", so

produces "Sent 'IBM', got 'exception'"
[ February 17, 2008: Message edited by: guenter krannich ]
16 years ago
Hi there,
this is my first step into webservices, so..
When executing this, I get an exception (ok, it's a response, but I'm looking for more).
What did I miss?

Thanks for your help!
16 years ago
I'm sorry:
within the setValue method an internal frame is opened and the basis for the TableModel is manipulated. After the user closes that frame, the textfield is still there, the new cell content is hidden, the row deselected. Only after the selection of another row, the textfield disappears and the new cell content is visible.
So my guess is, "someone" didn't get the fact, that the table cell editing is finished and I probably have to explicitly call a "editingStopped" method, or send end equivalent event, or ...
Can you see my problem now?
18 years ago
I want to edit a cell of a table, so I have this:

Everything's fine, but how can I tell (Whom?) sth like editingStopped?
Now I have to select another row to get rid of the Textfield.
Looking forward to your help!
18 years ago
thanks Ilja, I'll use the Template Method.
19 years ago
ok, just to make sure I got it right:
I'm talking about a bunch of panels that look and behave the same, but the the underlying list models get their data in different ways, so the programmer always has the choice/problem to decide
a. which command he has to pass to the GenericPanel or
b. which SpecificPanel he has to use
Is there a difference?
19 years ago
I have several classes which differ only in one method, so I think of either using an abstract class and have several specialized classes which only implement the specific method differently or have several implementations of a command that is passed to the one common class.
Are there significant differences between the two approaches? pros and cons?
19 years ago