Dear Ranchers,
I am Pradeep, one of the co-founders of Whizlabs.
Firstly, I would like to extend my apologies for responding late to the community and letting the confusion and concerns pile up to this level.
As you know we started the development of the product with Valentine Crettaz as one of the authors. We launched first version of the same to match the current demand and simultaneously continued the development further aiming to add on to the next version in time, which was promised on our site till April 12, 2005.
But as we went on, some unforeseen circumstances cropped up and our second author was unable to complete the development of the product. We talked to few of our customers who had bought our product to gauge the demand so that we could take a decision for the development which got affected. On the basis of the responses we received from this sample set of buyers, and the prevailing collapse in our earlier plan of development, we halted it.
I know the reasons are intrinsic to our organization and I do take full responsibility for them and for any inconvenience that it may have caused to any of you.
Now, looking at the feedback we've received recently, we are very clear that the next version is required. We are trying to recuperate and would soon be able to cover up the track. We are in the final stages of our search for a new author to finish the almost ready product. I would request you all to trust our commitment of serving our customers the best possible way we can.
I know for those people who bought before we removed our claim of launching a next version it may not be feasible or desirable to wait any longer. For them we would like to offer a partial refund of 50% on the purchase amount or one free product from any of our J2EE exam simulators (i.e. certification simulators for Sun and IBM exams). To avail this or for any other feedback/query, please write to me at
I look forward to your understanding and continued patronage.
Regards and best wishes,
Pradeep Chopra