Originally posted by Balakrishnan Viswanathan:
Hi All
I have just completed SCWCD and have started getting books for SCBCD.
Can you please let me know whether
a.) Pro EJB 3: Java Persistence API (Pro) and
b.) Head First EJB..
alone will help me getting through SCBCD
Waiting for your reply...
Originally posted by Herman Scheltinga:
hi Ed,
I did not implement any restrictions on the date of booking and justified that in my documentation (I already forgot the name of that document).
Originally posted by Alex Belisle Turcot:
- How can you perform a full search ?
- How can you trigger the search with criteria ? hitting "Enter" ? There is no button to trigger it? Not clear.. without being able to try it, just looking at it, I don't know how to do it.
- "Clear search" feels like a "Perform Search" button.
[ December 17, 2007: Message edited by: Alex Belisle Turcot ]
Originally posted by Alex Belisle Turcot:
I don't how much you're allowed to post that... I believe it might be against the certification/forum rules.
Originally posted by Alex Belisle Turcot:
still, some minor tips..
- It is not clear to me what "Search for" is. Maybe it's related to your assignment and it's fine (I'm doing B&S)..
- Also, you might want to check the alignment of your "Book" button.
- I never thought of the "and/or" search that way.. If the client chooses "Or", than you perform 2 Searches and concatenate them ? I think it's a nice feature.
- Do you have a scrollbar when the windows is smaller ?
- I like the feature of "filtering".
- I personally think the options are jammed together at the bottom. Maybe you could put "Filter" on top, just below the menu, and then extend the "book panel" so that the book button is on the right of its field.
- You can click on "Clear" when no values are in. Maybe it could be nice to disabled/Enable it (same as you seem to do for "book"). Or maybe not, maybe it introduce errors, when your typing in the field, the button does not know yet that values are inserted... You figure it out
- Your book section, is it really "Book Menu" or should be something else than "Menu" ? You did not put "Menu" for the 2 other sections. Maybe "Booking" would be better suited.
- I see you put the first letter of every words in capital letter, except "Filter options".
I did my best.
[ December 17, 2007: Message edited by: Alex Belisle Turcot ]