Bianca Deloso

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since Sep 23, 2003
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Recent posts by Bianca Deloso

Hi folks!

I'm new to web services and I'm trying to create one using Axis 1.4 (with Tomcat for testing purposes). I've been able to do the fibonacci example and am trying to create my own sample.

I have created a bean and an interface to use for creating the WSDL as shown below:

I am able to create a WSDL and the java codes from the wsdl successfully but am having problem with deploying it to my local. (Sorry, no stack trace a the moment.

Did I go about creating everything the right way? Design wise, I want to make use of ArrayLists instead of String[], is that also possible? I've been told there might be a problem if I did this but am not quite sure.

Any help would be greatly appreciated
17 years ago
I seem to be having problems using struts tags inside innerHTML's. I always seem to get this error:
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Cannot find bean under name org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN
whenever i try to use the javascript code below: (yes, I did declare the tags, etc in the page).

When I don't use the struts works without any problems... Any ideas?
Disabled Smiles in the post - Eric
[ March 29, 2004: Message edited by: Eric Pascarello ]
20 years ago
I tried out the code but I think I did something wrong. I added two of my buttons with the javascript but when I click on one of them I also pass through the 'action/method' of the other button.
Incidentally, using this means placing the name of the method of a single action in the javascript right?
21 years ago
Hi Hannah, :-)
I'm not sure if I understand you correctly, but if you want to get the values of a given key in a hashmap you can try something like this:

Just a quick question, what will you compare with your property named keyholdergroup? Will you be comparing it with another property (from another <bean:write> ?

21 years ago
You can try doing something like this:
In your index.jsp use this line:

And in your struts-config.xml:

Your action should be called immediately when you type in index.jsp.
21 years ago
Hi guys,
My page has 4 buttons in one form. One is the submit button, another one is a cancel button, and the other two are buttons that does another action if chosen. (For example, delete and edit).
I use <html:img> or <html:image> tags for the buttons. I was wondering how I could get my action to determine which button was clicked and have the forward subsequently use the right target to forward to.
Any help would be great. Thanks!
21 years ago
Hi guys,
I just wanted to check if it was at all possible with struts to be able to have 1 page contain values that must be submitted/saved and the button to save/submit is on a different page? (We use iframes for this, in the design, we have the values in one page, and the buttons in another page = in the end it looks just like it was on a single page, it just have a 'panel' like design).
I tried to have the execute method of the action call (the action that will happen when the button is clicked) the form of the page that has the values like below (sample code):

They end up not having any values at all when I check them. I just want to confirm whether or not it was possible to do this. Sorry if ever my explanation don't makes much sense, I'm not quite sure how to explain it myself :-)
I actually wasn't sure how to get the 'separate' values in the ArrayList I created (with the use of a bean) so I could insert it into a db.
The ArrayList I'm retrieving is from the session that has 'bean' entries. I was wondering how I could access this. I was at first thinking of something like this:
so I could use these values in adding to the db. Anyway I could do this with an ArrayList?
21 years ago
Could you guys check if this is correct:
ConfigItem configItems = (ConfigItem) session.getAttribute("configItems");
I have a "bean" called ConfigItem (which has the getter and setters) and I want to be able to use certain values in the arrayList. Is the above line correct? (assuming I have a configItems ArrayList that is in the session already.
Thanks again!
21 years ago
Hi guys,
Is it possible to pass an ArrayList from action to action via a session? If so, can somebody tell me how and if possible, post a sample code?
I want to be able to add to this ArrayList everytime I perform a certain action (like adding a new line), and if I click on another button, the ones in the ArrayList will be added to the DB.
Is this a way to get the arrayList (from a different action)? (see below)
21 years ago
Hi Peter,
I ran into an error wile trying to use:

Here's the error:

Here's my code in jsp (javascript):

What am I doing wrong? Thanks! Any help would be greatly appreciated! :-)

[reformatted by moderator]
[ October 24, 2003: Message edited by: Junilu Lacar ]
21 years ago
Can somebody tell me if there is another way to get this line of code to work properly? I get an 'equal sign expected error' because I try to 'nest' strut tags.
<logic:equal name="changeItem" property="productName" value="<bean:write name="changeItemProduct" property="productName" /> ">
I have two arrays, and I need to be able to check if the 2 properties in the two beans are equal so I could continue on with the iteration. If not, it should skip.
21 years ago
Hi Oliver,
I tried out your code but it's giving me an: "Unterminated tag" error.
21 years ago
I get the error "equal symbol expected" whenever I use this line of code:

But when I don't use the html tags of struts (see code below) it's working fine. How come?
21 years ago
I actually have three problems with the project I am doing. First is with the <link> tag, second is with pre-population problem and third is how to call a javasript first before anything else happens.
I'm trying to pass a value from a link when a user clicks on a submit button (an image button). It's suppose to pass a value from a listbox (the one selected by the user) which was pre-populated by options taken from a database.
My problem is, how do I reference the value in my action bean? I wanted to use the ParamId and ParamName in the <html:link> tag. Here's my JSP code:

Next is, I managed to pre-populate a drop down box already, but whenever I refresh or do something on that same page, the values get repeated in the listbox (re-populated) again and again. What can I do to fix this (the page is technically the 'first page' - I forward an index page to this so that it performs the actions I need)?
3rd, when a user submits the form, I forward it to an action to pre-populate the next page. But, I have a date list box that is populated by a javascript (because it only gets the dates of every saturday of a selected month - and changed when the month selected is changed). So this means that when I load the page, my day listbox 'default' is not the one in the database, instead it is the first option. Is there a way to get this fixed?
[ October 04, 2003: Message edited by: Gregg Bolinger ]
[ October 05, 2003: Message edited by: Bianca Deloso ]
21 years ago