Stephan Merick

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since Oct 05, 2003
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Hi Rudi,
I'm one of those passive reader of JavaRanch. I've passed my Step 1 with 83% and waiting for Step 2 result. I've used arc2patterns step1 and 2 guides. Unfortunately I got arc2patterns Step 1 product, 7 days before my Step 1 exam and so was unable to utilize it properly but in Step 2 I've got very good help from that guide. I found those guides are very good help for me.
In Step 1 it contains a set of good questions based on exam requirement. If we understand all of them, it'll be easy to cross that exam score barrier. You'll get a good grip of the topics. Step 2 contains tips and expls, which are necessary to crack the exam requirement. If you know J2ee and UML and need a helping hand, you may go for arc2patterns guides.