Thanks for the speedy reply Jon.
"Before going into a lengthy explanation, please verify that I understand your question. It sounds like you want to determine whether or not an image has been "stamped" with your logo and, if so, find the x,y coordinate of the logo. Is that correct?"
Yes, that is what I asked on the first part of the question.
"Before going into a lengthy explanation, please verify that I understand your question. It sounds like you want to determine whether or not an image has been "stamped" with your logo and, if so, find the x,y coordinate of the logo."
Again, Yes.
Is that correct? Can we assume that the logo is the same size on each image (even though the images may vary in size)?
Yes, the logo images are all exactly the same as the original.
Also, I'm assuming that you want to first read the image into a Java Image object rather than looking at the raw image data. Is this correct?
Yes, dealing with an Image object would be easier, but I'm not familiar with it. Can you please provide some insight?
Once again, I appreciate the help very much.