Dora Di Donato wrote:Hi guys,
A good book about java?
I am reading "effective java" book - Boch... IT is good book?
Di Donato
Bear Bibeault wrote:
Hussein Baghdadi wrote:If all what some one knows is Java then learning JS, PHP or Python isn't going to expand his/her horizon.
Scala or Haskell is a must due the typing system. Lisp due its unique nature. Erlang/Elixir due its (let is crash) design philosophy.
Ruby is a good balance though (metaprogramming capabilities, easy to learn and understand, a lot of jobs).
Disagree; and I strongly disagree that any one language is a "must".
Knowing any other language, even if it's similar to Java, is a huge leap from knowing one language only.
And I don't know any of Haskell or Erlang or Elixir or Ruby. I know a little Scala.
Any of those would be worthwhile to study, but so are any on Pat's list*. There are no "musts".
* And Pat's list contains languages that are actually being widely used.