rajee Malar

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since Nov 14, 2003
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I am using window.prompt like this.

newName = window.prompt('Please enter the name to change ','','width=100, height=100,left = 412, top = 334');

Everything is ok except there is one message 'Script prompt' appears on the dialog box. How to delete this?

Really appreciates your help.
I am updating few data in the child window after making the chnages, i am submiting the child window and closing. I would like to refresh the home page to see the updated data on the parent. Could you help me on this.
I would appreciate greatly.
I need to create one dropdown(conmbo box) and one list.
When there is a chnage in a dropdown, list values should change dynamically.
For example, dropdown will have list of auto manufacturers (like Honda, Toyota, Mazda)
So if I select Toyota on the DropDown the list will say (Camry, Corolla, 4 runner, Land Cruiser). All these datas are in the database.

Please help me on this.
Using Href to open the child window. Yes. If one window is closed out of 3 windows, should be able to open the another window.
I should be able to open only 3 child windows from parent. I got to show the error message for the openning for the 4th window. Url for the childwindow is not same. Please share your expertise
Here is my 2 problem. Auto refresh starts autometically. I want to start whenever the checkbox is checked.
Another problem how to stop it. I am unable to stop the auto refresh even if i uncheck the checkbox.
Please share your ideas.
I need a help to control the Auto refresh by checkbox. In a page, there is one checkbox. If the the checkbox is checked refresh on that page should start and pages should be refreshed for every 5 minutes. If the checkbox is rechecked, auto refresh should be stopped. ie refreshing the page for every 5 minutes should be stopped.
Please help me on this one.