Richard Everhart

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since Nov 19, 2003
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Recent posts by Richard Everhart

I found the solution. Pretty easy really.

The id is just the column holding the sequence name. This seemed to make things happy. I'm using postgresql by the way.

Thanks Mark.

Now my problem is creating the Hibernate configuration file. I've created the file but my sequence has no id column, which means that I can't provide an ID element withing my class element. Without the id element an XML parsing exception occurs during initialization.

Anyone have any ideas how to get around this. composite-id can also be supplied but I haven't looked into that yet.

In the application that I currently work on generators (of type sequence) are used to create the IDs for all of our objects, so I somewhat understand how this works.

What I need for a feature I'm adding is a integer value that is incremented during a particular point of execution in the program. I was thinking that a sequence would be perfect for this. Has anyone ever done this before? I can't seem to figure out how to expose (read and set) the sequence value.

Of course an alternative is to just use ant's exec task. I'm guessing that Antenna is just a wrapper around the exec task anyway.

18 years ago

You said,

You can filter the sender using the PushRegistry, take a look below:

MIDlet-Push-1: sms://:12345, SmsExample, 123456789
MIDlet-Push-2: sms://:12345, SmsExample, *

The filter set to "*" to indicates that any sender is

But, wouldn't filtering using the PushRegistry would only work when the app is not currently running? Meaning that if the app was running some other mechanism would have to be used to filer SMS message based on their origin. I'm somewhat new to J2ME programming so please correct me if I'm wrong.

18 years ago
I am in the first starges of trying to write an application that will eventually be runnable on the Blackberry and other mobile devices running MIDP 2.0. So, I am currently running my code through Sun's wireless toolkit simulator as well as the Blackberry simulator that came with the JDE.

Since I'm striving for portability, I'm trying to stick with the MIDP APIs. The problem is when try to change the font - change the size, style, etc. - the WTK simulator recognizes the changes but the Blackberry simulator does not. My question is, does the Blackberry respond at all to UI changes made with the MIDP APIs? If so then should I just stick with the Blackberry APIs and resort to having to write two different applications if I desire portability?

18 years ago
Anyone out there using Antenna and Ant to build their MIDP projects? If so I was wondering if you ran into the same thing as I did.

I specified that the MIDlet I was building required WMA so I set the wtk.wma.enabled property to true. However, doing this cause the build to fail since Antenna is looking for the wma.jar file in Wireless Toolkit (WTK) lib but can't find it there. Instead, this directory contains the files wma11.jar and wma20.jar. In order to get things to work I had to manually copy wma11.jar to wma.jar. This is fine for research and development but when it comes to production I'd rather not have to rely on a modified version of the WTK.

Anyone else have a more elegant solution?

18 years ago
The Blackberry has the ability to receive data that is 'pushed' to it from a special application (Mobile Data Service) running a sever (Blackberry Enterprise Server). Well, I think I have that right. If not then someone please correct me.

What I don't know what must a J2ME implementation running on a Blackberry device do to receive this 'pushed' data? I'm trying to understand some of the implementation details so that I might be able to create some sort of abstract push facility that I could use across devices/J2ME implementations.


18 years ago
Thanks Mark. Yes, I'm beginning to find out that I may have to do more work than I at first thought to create a cross-plaform implementation.

But, do you know of any examples of J2ME apps that actually access web service, in whatever fashion they do it?

18 years ago
If I were to write a MIDP application that utilized, say, PushRegistry and some WMA functionality, how would I be able to migrate this functionality to a CDC app?

Currently, I need to access what is required to create an app that will certainly run on a MIDP-enabled device (Blackberry) and possibly a CDC-enabled device, like the next version of Palm Treo running Windows Mobile Version 5.0.

I have previously written a CDC/PersonalProfile app but it was just like writing J2SE app, in that no special connectivity was required (and I could use Swing -- I used CrEmE from For the app I'm working on now, I might need features available with PushRegistry and WMA API which I know are available with MIDP but not with CDC, afaik.

Any help much appriciated.

18 years ago

I am currently researching how a J2ME app might access a web service. I've read up on JSR-172, kSOAP etc. so I know this is possible. Now, I'd like to find some actual real-life examples of J2ME apps that use web services.

If any one can point me to such applications I'd really appriciate it. Thanks!

18 years ago
This isn't post on how to actually use the APIs. What I was wondering if anyone else out there has encounterd compatibility problems with unzipping utilities based on and commercial archiving apps, like Winzip or /n Software's IPWorks! Zip.

I've written a small app that just unzips zip files that are sent to us via ftp. The unzipping part uses the APIs to do the real work. The problem is that one of our clients uses IPWorks! Zip and the app I wrote chokes whenever it tries to unzip their files.

I've been doing some research on zlib version IPWorks is based on and the version that Java uses, but it seems they are based on the same spec. (zlib spec defined in RFC 1950 and deflate spec defined in RFC 1951). At least, after looking at /n Software's site, that's what I gathered. When checking out Winzip's site I found that they may adhere to some later version of zip file format spec.

So, has anyone run into this, and if so what did you find out? Are the APIs based on out-dated specs? Any info much appriciated.

19 years ago
I'm trying to understand how to use VSS with NetBeans. The team I work with has been developing on PCs using WSAD and VSS. Now, we are beginning our migration to Solaris and NetBeans. NetBeans is up and running fine on Solaris but when I try to add a VSS directory using NetBean's Versioning Manager, I don't see the VSS profile option.

I'm beginning to wonder if NetBeans only works with VSS if NetBeans is running on a PC.

Can anyone give me a hand here? Thanks!

Thanks for all the help. 4.1.31 just didn't work, even after following everyone's suggestions. So, I downloaded 5.0.28 and it starts just fine. Still not sure what the problem was.

Thanks again.

19 years ago
I've used Tomcat before on Linux, Solaris and Windows and never come across this problem (or, at least I don't recall seeing it before). When I try to invoke I get the following error:

I've defined CATALINE_HOME in my .bashrc to point to my Tomcat installation directory, and just to be sure, I've defined BASEDIR to point to the same directory. What else could I be missing?


19 years ago