xixi mm

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since Nov 26, 2003
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Recent posts by xixi mm

WOO, Godness!!! I have a serializing objects to passing int array data from servlet to applet, what shall I do???, My servlet use JSDK1.4.2, my applet use JDK1.2 in order to be supported by IE. Why don't IE support JSDK1.4.2???
20 years ago
Hi all,
I compile my applet with JSDK1.4, then run in IE5.0, but only a grey block in the IE. so I compile my applet with JDK1.2.2, then I can see it in IE. Does it mean that IE supports low version Java applet, but not the latest one?
20 years ago
Thanks all. FInally, I use JSDK1.4 with Tomcat, then Tomcat works.
SOrry for the unclear thing in my previous post. I did use upper cases for JAVA_HOME and TOMCAT_HOME, and start Tomcat by Startup.
The reason why I choose JDK1.2 is because: I use it to compile my applet, if I use JSDK1.4 to complie my applet, it can not run in IE, so I have to choshose low version JDK. On Tomcat website, they have doc about TOmcat 4.0, but not 4.1, so I assume Tomcat4.1 worked with
Next I will configure TOmcat with IIS. see you soon for my next problems
20 years ago
Environment: windows 2000 server with IIS 5.0, JDK1.2.2, JSDK2.0
I download Tomcat4.1.29.exe from (http://jakarta.apache.org/site/binindex.cgi ,release build version)
(In fact don't know the difference between 4.1.29.zip and 4.1.29.exe)
then install Tomcat.
Java_home=C:\jdk1.2.2, Tomcat_home=C:\tomcat4_1_29
3.then I try http://localhost:8080, but doesn't work, no tomcat web page
4. try to put isapi_redirect_1.2.5.dll (found http://apache.mirror.pacific.net.au/jakarta/tomcat-connectors/jk/binaries/win32/) under C:\tomcat4.1.29\conf, still doesn't work.
Please any suggestion is appreciate!
20 years ago
Hi all,
I have applet as frond end. Applet will communicate with servlet which will do work that applet cannot do. APplet and servlet are on the same PC. I use Windows 2000 server IIS 5.0 as web server.
Am I right that:
Install Tomcat and configure it with IIS, so I can run both servlet and applet successfuly? In which folder should I put my servlet class?
20 years ago
Hi all,
I have applet as frond end. Applet will communicate with servlet which will do work that applet cannot do. APplet and servlet are on the same PC. I use Windows 2000 server IIS 5.0 as web server.
Am I right that:
Install Tomcat and configure it with IIS, so I can run both servlet and applet successfuly? In which folder should I put my servlet class?
20 years ago
Environment: windows 2000 server with IIS 5.0, JDK1.2.2
I download Tomcat4.1.29.exe from (http://jakarta.apache.org/site/binindex.cgi ,release build version)
(In fact don't know the difference between 4.1.29.zip and 4.1.29.exe)
then install Tomcat.
2.Set Java_home=C:\jdk1.2.2, TOmcat_home=C:\tomcat4.1.29
3.then I try http://localhost:8080, but doesn't work, no tomcat web page
4. try to put isapi_redirect_1.2.5.dll (found http://apache.mirror.pacific.net.au/jakarta/tomcat-connectors/jk/binaries/win32/) under C:\tomcat4.1.29\conf, still doesn't work.
Why?? Please any suggestion!!!
20 years ago
Environment: windows 2000 server with IIS 5.0, JDK1.2.2
I download Tomcat4.1.29.exe from (http://jakarta.apache.org/site/binindex.cgi ,release build version)
(In fact don't know the difference between 4.1.29.zip and 4.1.29.exe)
then install Tomcat.
2.Set Java_home=C:\jdk1.2.2, TOmcat_home=C:\tomcat4.1.29
3.then I try http://localhost:8080, but doesn't work, no tomcat web page
4. try to put isapi_redirect_1.2.5.dll (found http://apache.mirror.pacific.net.au/jakarta/tomcat-connectors/jk/binaries/win32/) under C:\tomcat4.1.29\conf, still doesn't work.
Why?? Please any suggestion!!!
20 years ago
Is JRun3.1 free software? Is it the same function as Tomcat? SO I can use JRun to run servlet on IIS 5.0?
20 years ago
Can I use applet to get the filelist of a directory? Please advise me for two situations:
1. the applet and the directory are on the same computer
2. THe applet and directory are not on different computers.
20 years ago