prem karun gopal

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since Dec 03, 2003
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Recent posts by prem karun gopal

Hey also why dont you put every thing in a package
and set the classpath to the starting directory
eg: If your Directory structure is D:\java\com\ejb
then give D:\java to the classpath.


Problem is with the classpath.Edit you classpath and append a . to the
set classpath=%CLASSPATH%;.;

Hope this will solve your problem

Dear Friends,

I am facing problems with OpenJMS and Tocat.
I have an appilication which can run standalone and also a
a webapplication.Application needs to connect to
a JMS Queue to work.
It wirks fine in standalone mode.But...when deployed as a
servlet ,it fails to create JMS Session with Open JMS
Can anybody suggest a solution to this ?

Tomcat 5.5
JDK 5.0

Thanking you.

This is the exception that iam getting

InitializeJNDI with org.exolab.jms.jndi.InitialContextFactory and rmi://localhost:1099/
javax.jms.JMSException: Failed to createSession java.rmi.ServerException: RemoteException occurred in server thread; nested exception is:
java.rmi.UnmarshalException: error unmarshalling arguments; nested exception is: no protocol: Files/Apache
at org.exolab.jms.client.rmi.RmiJmsConnectionStub.createSession(
at org.exolab.jms.client.JmsSession.<init>(
at org.exolab.jms.client.JmsQueueSession.<init>(
If yiur classes are not in the servers classpath.
You can do hotdeployment.
20 years ago
Dear All,
I have tried configuring Weblogic 8.1 and MQ using the foreign JMS provider option in Weblogic.
I was able to bind the connection factory.But i couldn't bind the Queue in Weblogic JNDI.When i take a look at the JNDI tree this is what i get.
My local queue name is RES_QUEUE ,Remote Queue is alos RES_QUEUE.
I would like to know why it's not binding.
Pls note am using a bindings file as my JNDI.
Any help will be appreciated.

Bind Name: RES_QUEUE
Object Class:
bject Hash Code: -17892697
Object To String: queue:///

Best Regards
20 years ago
why do you want such a feature.You can put that method in another bean and make it BMT
Use the method defined in the ejbcontext namely setRollbackOnly()
You are mistaken.MQ Series and Entity beans are two differnt things.
MQ Series is a messaging product.
Entity bean is your object representation of data.
20 years ago
That depends on how big is your data.
If you are talking about retreiving thousands of records don't go
for entity beans.That might create memory issues.
For large retreivals go for DAO.
Check whether you have added all required jar/files needed for JDBC in your classpath and all required dlls in your path.
Thats a lot of questions to answer.
You can buy a good book on EJB/J2EE and you will find
answers to most of your questions.
I recommend you go for Professional EJB by Wrox Publishers.
First thing you need to check is to verify whether that
method has a transaction attribute specified or not.
If thats also true check the database settings.
you can try by deleting all offline contents and cookies.You can do this by using tools internet option in IE
20 years ago
its ok.Whether you do it as ejb ref or use your own xml.It doesnt matter.
The core logic is to define the parameters some where and xml is a good place.