Originally posted by fred rosenberger:
Both derive from TableModel, so you could cast either TableSorter or TableIndex to a TableModel.
but you can't cast a TableIndex to a TableSorter.
if i had Chihuahua derives from Dog derives from Mammal, and Cat derives from Mammal, i can't cast a Cat as a Dog.
Originally posted by Dave Wingate:
Could you post the exception you're getting?
Did you verify that getModel() is actually returning an object of type TableIndex?
e.g. System.out.println(table.getModel().getClass().getName());
Originally posted by Shailesh Chandra:
Matt ,
did you try creating a new html with your view source code ??
and opening same in browser.
are you still not able to open file ?
in that case there would be nothig releated to your jsp code.
Originally posted by Bear Bibeault:
Valid file protocol URLs are of the form:
Why not post the resulting HTML from your View Source? That'll give us a better look at why your links may not be working.
1) Why do you complicate your JSP pages needlessly by generating HTML in Java code
2) What do you see at the browser via View Source? Is your HTML as you expected?