Leo Campos

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since Dec 16, 2003
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Recent posts by Leo Campos


How can I configure Tomcat for not allow acess to Admin/Manager context from a remote machine.

I did try uncomment:

<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteAddrValve" allow=""/>

code in admin.xml, but it didn't work.

19 years ago
I am building an application that use reflection to test several methods, and I need the parameter name of methods to show to system users.

it's important a lot.

20 years ago

Somebody may tell me how can I make de JScrollPane with automatic scroll down ?

thank you

20 years ago

Somebody may tell me how can I get method parameter-name using reflection or others?

thank you.
20 years ago

Originally posted by Chee-Chan Keng:
5/26 - passed SCEA part 2
4/30 - submitted SCEA part 2

> Passed SCEA with 85% today... will post an update after I clear part II > later
> 4/17 - passed SCEA part 1
> 4/03 - passed SCBCD
> 3/22 - passed SCJD
> 2/29 - passed SCJP
> I work full time, studied on nights and weekends, 1 book for each exam.

The certification man
20 years ago
hello ranchers,
can someone tell me how can I do my project on eclipse v2, see others folders with my classes.
my project not recognsize my import declarations !!

step by step configurations.
thank you.