I guess you can assume that the application will be run on a system which does support GUIs, otherwise how would they test the client?
This is precisely what worries me. I think that a client/server type setup implies two different physical pieces of hardware (otherwise why bother, just run always in local mode). I plan to test with a Windows laptop client connected to a pc running Linux. Testing both components on one piece of kit is not extensive enough and, in my experience, does not reveal all the subtle bugs especially in a sockets based implementation like mine.
*Most* servers in a real-life situation will be Unix/Linux machines which would perhaps also be running a web-server app as well as perhaps hosting a database layer etc etc. Typically they do not need to support a GUI.
I guess the answer is the same as in many other threads - make a decision and document the reasons - but I am still curious as to how the examiners test our software. If they expect true cross-platform transparency (which I believe is an implicit goal of all Java development) then a server-side GUI is going to fail dramatically under certain conditions.
Thanks anyway for the feedback