Mike Henry

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since Dec 18, 2003
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Recent posts by Mike Henry

I used

Head first EJB (Great)
Whizz labs as many other sample tests that can be found on the web.

Mike H

BTW: Go the loo beore the exam!! (I had to leave after an hour , silly me!! )
but I still passed
18 years ago

jar uf my_jar_file.jar com/classes/beans/two/*.class

Mike H
in your ejb-jar

Make sure that you.
1. You are using Container managed transaction

2. You the set the transaction attribute to "Required"

Then you can use the setRollBack.

if not you can

1. Use bean managed Transaction

2. and use the UserTransaction interface to do the same thing

Hope this helps

Mike H

Typing way too fast for my own (or your )good

It should say ...

Mike H
As Your client is remote cyou will need to narrow the
result here

Try instead

It might be helpful..

Mike H

Why not use an EJB home method.

An EJB Home method is not specific to any entity.
(Perfect for batch processing)

To use it mention the method in the home interface

Then in your bean class place ejbHome<methodName> method (the return values and parameters must match, notice also capital first letter)

Combine this with an ejbSelect and you're done.

Does this help?
(excuse the typos but it this should give you something to check out)
