Yajun Zhan

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since Dec 20, 2003
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Recent posts by Yajun Zhan

I hava code my program with every URL by encodeURL(xxx) .

now I want to turn off the effect of encodeURL,and not want to rewrite my code .

In other app server , such as resin , I can do this by

But I can not find this in tomcat.

Thank you for you reply
20 years ago
How can I turn off URL-Rewriting of tomcat ? Thank you!
20 years ago
I am now considering it is decided by the implement of app server.
If the server depend jvm to allocate memory,so the max heap is default 64M,
if the server depend native os to allocate memory,so the max heap can be 2G,which can be swaped to disk.
20 years ago
I am now building a wireless service system,the system goal is it can service 500,000 people,our system will provide 10,000 items that can be ordered by custom,and each items can be packed in a low price package.
I am now considering load all our items and package into context when our system get start.and every day , our system will automatic reload all items and package into memory to ensure new items and package that have been build will be available to custom. By this way, the wireless custom do not need to request our database to search his/her interest items or package.
20 years ago
I am now building a wireless service system,the system goal is it can service 500,000 people,our system will provide 10,000 items that can be ordered by custom,and each items can be packed in a low price package.
I am now considering load all our items and package into context when our system get start.and every day , our system will automatic reload all items and package into memory to ensure new items and package that have been build will be available to custom. By this way, the wireless custom do not need to request our database to search his/her interest items or package.
20 years ago
how many data can be set in context ,session ,and request ? 500M is OK ?Thank you!
20 years ago
how many data can be set in context ,session ,and request ? 500M is OK ?Thank you!
20 years ago
Frank Carver
Thank for your answer,I can now run my stateless session bean in Resin 3.0.4
But I found the interface must be local,I can not use remote interface.
According to resin doc,if you want use remote interface,you must use hessian or burlap service.
I try and try,but failed to let resin run my stateless bean which has remote interface.
Do you have any experience with that and would like share your experience with me ?
here is the updated comments: http://www.caucho.com/quercus/faq/question.xtp?question_id=1839
Best Regard!

[ January 12, 2004: Message edited by: Yajun Zhan ]
20 years ago
so many people need it,include me.
but I can't make it.
If you have the ability and willing to write one,please do it.
Thank you!
20 years ago