Originally posted by Tony Collins:
SCJD is very useful as the use of patterns is required/promoted, whether the code is in Java/C++/Smalltalk etc doesn't relly make a difference. Don't get to hung up on technologies or API's, they come and go. IMO.
APIs do matter because a person takes the SCJD exam to prove his competency in coding a non-trivial app. in the Java language...If a person wants to focus on Patterns (independent of language) then that person should take up the Architect exam (SCEA for J2EE)...
The point I am making is that taking up the SCJD programming assignment will not help a person in the real world because the APIs which you use for coding the SCJD assignment (such as Swing, Threads, Sockets etc.) will NOT help that person in a "real world" J2EE project (which is what most Java projects are nowadays), as these APIs are of little use in a J2EE project...