ajay gaur

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since Dec 04, 2000
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Recent posts by ajay gaur

Hi Chris,
I am also in need of making use of crystal reports in my project. Please tell me how to I can call crystal reports from jsp using javabeans u said. And tell me about the project u r talking. Give me necessary code for this if possible. My mail ID is gaurajay50@hotmail.com .
Thanks in advance.
23 years ago
Hi Oleg,
I need to make use of crystal reports for my project. I went to the link site u mentioned. There I saw JIntegra used to communicate jsp to COM objects. But I am still confused how to use it to make crystal reports. As I don,t know much of VB or VC++ please tell me all the steps needed to call crystal reports from jsp page using it. Step by step/any code will help me a lot.
Thanks in advance.
23 years ago
I think u want to use useBean action, but it instantiates only no arg. constructor beans & u want to initialise the variables in ur bean. U might do for this like:
<jsp:useBean id="beanID" code="beanClass" scope="scope">
<% beanID.init(pass parameter here); %>
For this u make an empty arg. constructor
& a method
init(accept parameter here){
set the instance variables here
I hope this u need.
23 years ago
Ya weblogicaux.jar is included in the WL_CLASSPATH. & there no point for the remote or home files as i said it is prob. in getting the initial context now. & i think WLInitialContextFactory class is not in weblogicaux.jar file.
Hi to All!
I have been deployed a stateless session bean successfully in weblogic5.1. Accessing it through java client its giving error at run time.
caught an exception
javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Cannot instantiate class:
From this its seems that its getting error at runtime even compiling it successfully. Instead of that i set classpath of d:\weblogic\classes dir. where this class file resides, even though it is set also in JAVA_CLASSPATH & WL_CLASSPATH env. variables. After that its giving errror :
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassFormatErrors: TemperatureClient
(Illegal constant pool type)
from this it seems that the Initial Context Factory class file is corrupted some how in weblogic.
i am using evaluation version of weblogic5.1. I have reinstalled the weblogic again, but facing the same prob.
Please tell me how i can get out of this problem.
Any reply will be a great help!
Thanks in advance.

23 years ago
I forgot to tell i am using evaluation version of weblogic5.1. I have reinstalled the weblogic again, but facing the same prob.
Tell me what could be the reason.
Thanks for the reply.
Hi to All!
I have been deployed a stateless session bean successfully in weblogic5.1. Accessing it through java client its giving error at run time.
caught an exception
javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Cannot instantiate class:
From this its seems that its getting error at runtime even compiling it successfully. Instead of that i set classpath of d:\weblogic\classes dir. where this class file resides, even though it is set also in JAVA_CLASSPATH & WL_CLASSPATH env. variables. After that its giving errror :
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassFormatErrors: TemperatureClient
(Illegal constant pool type)
from this it seems that the Initial Context Factory class file is corrupted some how in weblogic.
Please tell me how i can get out of this problem.
Any reply will be a great help!
Thanks in advance.
Hi William,
Can we place the connections, statements or resultsets in the session or pagecontext.
23 years ago
Hi Cynthia,
Ya public_html is my root directory. But I didn,t find any weblogic.txt file there. Tell me when & how it is created.
23 years ago
Thanx for considering the message. My problem was solved but i noticed a very strange thing.
I didn,t make a package for the tag handler class. But after making package for same class & making apprpriate directories, it worked. I feel it very strange that a tag class in the servletclasses folder in weblogic5.1 don't work, but same class after making package works.
My problem is solved but i want to know reason behind this.
Please clarify.
Please also tell how to work with connection, statement or resultset in the custom tags which i opened in the jsp. Is it through pageContext.getAttribute() or by setting the attribute for the tag . I know that they are not serializble, but i was to use these in my tag that was opened before. Is setting attribute for tag needs objects to be serialized, they are passed as string, how to get connection from that string.
Please tell me the method to be used for it.
Thanx in advance.
23 years ago
Yesterday I posted a message about the tag bean not instantiating in the jsp( .tld file was recoginsed as a valid tag library descriptor), I didn,t make a package for the tag handler class. But after making package for same class & making apprpriate directories, it worked. I feel it very strange that a tag class in the servletclasses folder in weblogic5.1 don't work, but same class after making package works.
My problem is solved but i want to know reason behind this.
Please clarify.
23 years ago
try this one
<%@ taglib uri ="/taglib.tld" prefix ="mt" %>
or otherwise check ur .tld file.
23 years ago
make the reference to tag library this way.
<%@ taglib uri="/csajsp-taglib.tld" prefix="csajsp" %>

Originally posted by JiaPei Jen:
I am using the Weblogic 5.1.0 to try out the Tag Handler Class (Lisgings 14.10, 14.11, 14.12) in Marty Hall's book entitled "Core Servlets and JavaServer Pages".
After I typed: http://localhost:7001/HeadingExample.jsp
in IE browser window
I got error message:
Parsing of JSP file '/HeadingExample.jsp' failed: Could not parse deployment descriptor: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException:Could not parse taglib, starting at line 6.
probably occurred due to an error in /HeadExample.jsp line 16:
<%@ taglib uri="\Web-inf\csajsp-taglib.tld" prefix="csajsp" %>
I compiled HeadingTag.java and saved the compiled file in:
The library file csajsp-taglib.tld is in:
and the jsp file HeadingExample.jsp is in
All three files are directly downloaded from the web www.coreservlets.com. Could anybody tell me what I did wrong and how to make this example work? Thanks a lot in advance.

23 years ago
Put ur .tld file in the META-INF folder in document root dir.

Originally posted by Vishu Sharma:
I have defined a custom tag but when try to run the jsp using the same in Weblogic5.1 an exception is raised. javax.servlet.ServletException: compilation of /tag/tag1.jsp failed: weblogic.utils.ParsingException: nested IOException: java.io.IOException: cannot resolve 'MyFirst.tld' into a valid tag library
I am attaching the code of the tld as well as jsp for review. Both the jsp and the tld file are in the same directory.

Pls. help in solving the problem.
Thanx in anticipation,
[This message has been edited by maha anna (edited April 23, 2001).][/B]

23 years ago
Hi to all! I started to use custom tags in the jsp. I am using weblogic5.1. I saved the jsp file in the public_html & the .tld file in the WEB-INF folder.. & the tag handler class in the servletclasses directory. The prob. is that the container is recognising the .tld file as valid tag library descriptor file & generating the servlet out of jsp, but while instantiating the tag bean its giving error. I don't know how it is not finding the tag class file in the servletclasses directory. I am not using package for tag, so i have saved the class file directly under the specified directory. Could any body help me to solve the problem. If nedded the code i can give, even the servlet class generated in the classfiles directory. Would any body tell me how to see the whole error message in the sever console.
23 years ago