vishad patel

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since Dec 05, 2000
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Recent posts by vishad patel

hi rajani peddi;
Are you clear your JCP exam?
if Yes, you are stupid .
Do you know about layout? if ,yes you need to clear your knowledge about layout.
hi freind ,
i should inform you that course of jcp exam is going to change and two new topics are going to include by sun people,they are
SWINGS & Network.
hi freind ,
i should inform you that course of jcp exam is going to change and two new topics are going to include by sun people,they are
SWINGS & Network.
hi ,friend
As you kbnow that java does not support multiple inheritance so that when you can write coding for applet then you extends the applet class ,in such a case you can't extends the that to avoid this kinds of problem you have to implements the Runnable.
I think this is sufficient for your understanding.
Thanks .
if i am wrong then mail me.
Hi ,how are?
Thanks for sending good question.
see you.
hi friend
in the given coding the refrence variable at line 2 is not claimed for garbage collection. because it can be reachable through the refrence varible store in the refrence variable b.
if you write the coding in the following manner it will be eligible for GC.
class testfloat{
public static void main(String args[]){
A a = new A();
A b = new A();
a = null;
you can use the following coding to generate the frame without title.
Frame f = new Frame();
hi friend;
the correct answer is 2,3,& 4
in last forth option it will ceck both if there is not shortcircuit operators so it will check both condition.
Vishad Patel.
I am also agree with you.
vishad patel
23 years ago
hello friend ;
this programme will compile because you compare the object. and finally print yes because contain store in the refrence varible are same.
hi friend i am also agree with you.
it will generate the compile time error because of following line in the source code.
Test5 = new Test5();
But if modify this line as follow then also it will not generate the output as f but it genarate the output as follow:
Done the test.
The End.
means output after modify line is : G.
ok thanks.
hello friend
in this programm ,in main mehtod you declare one variable of Aclass type which is set null,it mean it can not yet point to any that when you try to run this programme it will generate NullPointer Exception at run time because you try to acess variable before initialise it .
thank for posting your problem.
hello friend
whether panel can be added to frame?
answer is yes ,you can add panel into the frame because frame is container.
similary you can only add menu to menubar and menubar only and only you can add to the frame.
if you try to add menubar to other container compiler give compileation error.
Thank for given qyuestion.
hi friend
equals() method can be override.
for your explaination i provide following source code:
class fileEquals{
public static void main(String args[])
File f1 = new File("xyz");
File f2 = f1;
System.out.println("Not Equals.");
ok bye
hi friend
Container is abstract class because one good example is it include the paint() method which we are using to doing some applet work and provide implementation.