Amirthalingam Prasanna

Ranch Hand
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since Jan 08, 2004
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Recent posts by Amirthalingam Prasanna

Congrats and all the best for the upcoming exams ;-)
17 years ago
Not a SCJD or SCEA but able to login to certmanager. But couldn't see my score there.
19 years ago
I Passed as well... Thx a lot to all the guys at the ranch
19 years ago
Thx evelyn,
Great to know until when i need to wait for the results
19 years ago
Theodore is right. Go for IBM certs if it makes sense. For example when it comes to java if u r using or planning to use ibm products such as web sphere studio then going for a exam such as ibm certified enterprise developer is good. Some of these exams require you to achieve SCJP as part of the certification.
For more info check the IBM cert URL
Is there any book that covers all the topics for SCMAD?
Well i dont think Sun release that information
Well all the beta exams require you to wait for around 4-6 weeks before the results are released. But once SCJA is out of beta u will get the results immediately.
19 years ago
Well the overall exam is not very difficult. Just follow the syllabus on SCJA and go through the basics on various java technologies as well. All the best
19 years ago
Both SCJP and SCJA are very different. I think it will be benefitial for u to do SCJP as well.
19 years ago
Did the SCJA exam yesterday. This exam is much more broader than SCJP but not very deep as SCJP...
19 years ago
I think its a good qualification to have even though the scope is not there yet. I am pretty sure it will catch up soon. In coutries such as Srilanka still there are no significance in the mobile development industry as of yet.
SCBCD will be a good choice compared SCJD if you are planning to move to the enterprise java arena soon and expecting to use EJB in your programming. With the SCJP and the Head first EJB and the javaranch forum should help u prepare for the SCBCD exams
Well i guess it depends on the technology u r interested. But doing both the technologies is not that hard as long as u can focus on the high level things where the concepts are more or less the same.
And better yet it will help you to use each other effectively cos u will know the benefits and merits as well as problems of each language and platform.
Did anyone get the 75% discounted voucher for participating in the SCJP 5.0 beta exam?