m bhramaresh

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since Jan 09, 2004
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if i got u correctly, u just want to put your methods which are in beans into the servlets right.
you can do that.
but actually after MVC came into the picture, front end part in jsp, servlet as a controller and beans for methods, specially for DB calls.
you can write the methods in servlets, but better to write in beans...
it will be systematic.
what bothers you to write methods in beans??
20 years ago
i just implemented that by writing some code in my jsp page itself.
put some links down the report and some small calculations to make it easier
the suggestions on the top also appreciated..........
prefer which u felt as comfortable
20 years ago
can anyone pls let me know how to set the class path to run java files?
i am a bit confused........please specify wat we have to include in that and wat all are necessary to run......
20 years ago
can anyone tell the actual differences between different servers we use for java apps or suggest some good URLs regarding.
20 years ago
other than java ranch i found sun.java.com,javaalmanac.com as good ones where u can download some good stuff which u require
i go through sun.java.com for referring something and goto javaalmanac.com for somecoding help, now a days going through the javaranch.com regularly
20 years ago
A container is a component which can contain other components inside itself. It is also an instance of a subclass of java.awt.Container. java.awt.Container extends java.awt.Component so containers are themselves components.
In general components are contained in a container. An applet is one container. Other containers include windows, frames, dialogs, and panels. Containers may contain other Containers.
Every container has a LayoutManager that determines how different components are positioned within the container.
In short containers contain components. Components are positioned inside the Container according to a LayoutManager. Since containers are themselves components, containers may by placed inside other containers. This is really a lot simpler than it sounds. Applets provide a ready-made container and a default LayoutManager, a FlowLayout.
20 years ago
just go through this url, this may help u
20 years ago
Keywords are special reserved words in java.
There are 48 reserved keywords in the java language. These keywords cannot be used as names for a variable,class or method.
In addition to these 48 reserved keywords java also reserves : true, false and null. These also may not be used for names of variables, classes.
Any book on Java that you refer to will enumerate these reserved keywords.
Hope it is clear.
Keyword: one of
abstract default if private this
boolean do implements protected throw
break double import public throws
byte else instanceof return transient
case extends int short try
catch final interface static void
char finally long strictfp volatile
class float native super while
const for new switch
continue goto package synchronized
The keywords const and goto are reserved, even though they are not currently used. This may allow a Java compiler to produce better error messages if these C++ keywords incorrectly appear in programs.
While true and false might appear to be keywords, they are technically Boolean literals (�3.10.3). Similarly, while null might appear to be a keyword, it is technically the null literal
abstract default if private throw
boolean do implements protected throws
break double import public transient
byte else instanceof return try
case extends int short void
catch final interface static volatile
char finally long super while
class float native switch
const for new synchronized
continue goto package this
these r the reserved words of java.
may this help for u.
20 years ago
i faced this question in one interview,
what are the algorithms available in jvm?
i dont know in what way he asked the question, can anyone answer this question, or can give information regarding this question
20 years ago
yeah, the size of a java class should not exceed 64kb, if the requirements r more and the size increases this limit, what to do, can anyone pls explain regarding this in detail.
20 years ago
i did something similar to this, i have added footer text and header text in the runtime, i think i.e a bit similar to ur problem,
what i did was i have included means i have used the forward page in the current jsp, from where the control will be transfered to another jsp where footer and header will be included at the run time, that jsp is getting the footer and header from a bean.
let me give it in a detailed way
i want a footer to appear in Jsp A in runtime.
ok, so i forwarded that page to another jsp where the footer is coming from a bean.
this process worked fine for me.
just try this way.this may help u out of ur problem.
20 years ago
sorry, actually, i didnt get the meaning of ur searching word,
actually "like", "in" keywords r there to search for a corresponding term.
go for their syntax, i think those may help u .
just check in the database whether to the field u r entering the null value is a not null field like it might be declared as a primary key,
just check this thing, just intimate if it is solved prior.