SELECT FROM Student s, Program p where s.subjectid=p.subjectId
Because finder methods cannot return arbitrary types, the SELECT clause of an EJB QL query defined
for a finder method must always correspond to the abstract schema type of the entity bean for which the
finder method is defined.
In contrast, the SELECT clause of a query defined for a select method can
return the abstract schema types of other entity beans or the values of cmp-fields.
A stateless session bean instance must commit a transaction before a business method returns.
A message-driven bean instance must commit a transaction before the onMessage method returns.
Which one can be defined as an application exception?
The answer is C. Concluded from the discussion below. June 05, 2003
[ June 05, 2003: Message edited by: ZheMin Lin ]
but is wrong for :as we know NO BMT for entity bean
if you are using CMT in that case entity bean will be abstract