Yuriy Grechukhin

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since Jan 16, 2004
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Recent posts by Yuriy Grechukhin

No doubt that one of the most important aspects of security is the correct design of applications. I was wondering how much time does the book spends on the correct design, and are there any particular design patterns that are recommended by this book?
20 years ago
I see your for loop does not have {}'s
May be you are adding the if statement in the wrong place. Add curly braces to the for loop, and then add your if, so you'll see where everything goes.
20 years ago

Originally posted by Stefan Wagner:
You may look for syntax-errors, exception handling, deprecated methods, performance, security - some people even look for coding-style! (propagating bad sun-decisions).

A little off-topic, but i'm just wondering what do you mean by bad sun-decisions.
20 years ago
On the contrary, it will be destroyed in 3.14159265 trillion, which is a hidden number behind Pi.
Although some Christian Conservative insist on changing that value to biblical 3.0
You don't need to know Java to look good on that interview. All they ask on programmer interviews is "where is the ANY key is?"
Just learn where it is, and you're hired!
There's a new closed-source project coming up on apacheforge.int, which we'll develop a new version of Linux on .NET platform. Please e-mail billg@opensource.org ASAP if you want to be part of this project.
On the other hand, just reply to this thread, so it will be really huge!
I don't know if this is the correct place to post it to (vs. Design forum), but it will be moved to the correct forum if anything.
Can anyone point me to a good page with some tips on properly designing an application that would write an XML documents (preferable with Xerces-C).
Can't... take... the pressure... too many sheriffs attacking...
I think I'm getting arrested!
20 years ago

Originally posted by Thomas Paul:

What if the purpose of the application is to give a pretty Java front-end to a local MySQL database? Then dropping tables and deleting all the rows might be a perfectly valid thing to do.

Then it doesn't follow java naming conventions, as someone noted in the comments of that blog (parameter String sql_str) and it doesn't display Exception messages when you try to close the connection.
20 years ago
My reply to his question "What's wrong with the following Java code?" would be "everything or nothing"
May be you just want to test your little SQL Statement? Aside from not println'ing e.getMessage() this is good function for that.
His statement about 'what if the argument is a string like "DELETE FROM employees" or a DROP TABLE' is also not a very valid point (see above) or validation is done before the function is called (nevermind the function is public, the class might be default).
BUT if it's a production application, and it is explained before the code is presented then all of his points are valid.
20 years ago
Thank you for such warm replies. I couldn't have done it without the Saloon regulars like you, who provided great help with my studies.

[ March 29, 2004: Message edited by: Yuriy Grechukhin ]
20 years ago
I guess this is the place to brag about the scores. I just passed SCJP with 100%!

Thanks to Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates for writting an excellent book and Dan Chisholm for making such tough mock exams!
Here's a studying tip: the best place to study/take mock exams is New York City subway! If you can get most questions right standing up, with the train shacking and a crazy guy next to you mumbeling something about world domination (ok, that one I made up, I don't remember what he mumbeled), you'll pass SCJP easily.
[ March 28, 2004: Message edited by: Yuriy Grechukhin ]
20 years ago
May be 15-cent coins?
4.95 is divisible by .15, but 1.95 is not...
I couldn't find any info whether U.S. ever had 15 cent coins, but apparently Bahamas do
20 years ago

Originally posted by R K Singh:

What was Israel called before it was occupied jews/Gachal and declared an Independent state by UN ??

For CIA Factbook (http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/is.html):

Following World War II, the British withdrew from their mandate of Palestine, and the UN partitioned the area into Arab and Jewish states, an arrangement rejected by the Arabs. Subsequently, the Israelis defeated the Arabs in a series of wars without ending the deep tensions between the two sides.

20 years ago

Originally posted by Sonny Pondrom:
Of course there were mills (.001 - red plastic, .005 - green plastic , .010 - purple , .025 - gray tin :confused : ). But these seem unlikely for this situation.
[ March 21, 2004: Message edited by: Sonny Pondrom ]

Mills? Haven't heard of them. Can you tell more (this is not relation to the question, just curiousity )?
20 years ago