Rosemary George

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since Jan 21, 2004
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Hi frank,
I am using compile time include itself.
<%@ include file="common.jsp" %> is what I am using.
20 years ago
Hi all,
I am tryign to internationalize our product and is making it UTF-8 enabled.We are working using J2EE,JSPS and IBM websphere 5.0.2 as the application server.
For non enlgish content to be displayed properly I have set the content type using
<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %>
What we have did is put this line in a common jsp and have included common.jsp in all the other jsps
This is done for the ease of changing the charset if needed just at one place
With this setup my dynamic content which comes from the DataBase(which is Unicode enabled) works well.
But the static content which I put in the jsp has a problem.
The static non english content gets displeyd properly for only the jsps which has
<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %> set in it.
If this is set in some included jsp then the static content comes as junk .
That is, the static content comes properly if and only if I have the line <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %> in my jsp and not in any jsp which I have included.
Could anyone tell me if there is a solution to this?
Note1:All Non english jsps are saved as UTF-8
Note 2:If i give META tag it works but
I do not want to use META tag,'cause I want my content to be converted to UTF-8 explicity or else my dynamic content will not work.
20 years ago