Hi! Can someone pinpoint why I am getting this error? TIA!!! Jai ________________________________________________________________________ D:\projects\advice>javac -classpath %CLASSPATH%;AdviceAppClient.jar AdviceClient.java AdviceClient.java:20: inconvertible types found : java.lang.Object required: AdviceHome AdviceHome home = (AdviceHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(o, AdviceHome.class); ^ AdviceClient.java:22: cannot resolve symbol symbol : method create () location: class AdviceHome Advice advisor = home.create(); ^ AdviceClient.java:23: cannot resolve symbol symbol : method getAdvice () location: class Advice System.out.println(advisor.getAdvice()); ^ 3 errors
Thanks I can do it now. I was using echo %CLASSPATH% %CLASSPATH%;D:\jdk1.3.1_10\bin;D:\j2sdkee1.3.1\bin;D:\j2sdkee1.3.1\lib; while the correct is %CLASSPATH%;D:\jdk1.3.1_10\bin;D:\j2sdkee1.3.1\bin;D:\j2sdkee1.3.1\lib\j2ee.jar; Thanks
Edward, I think you can make it but only thing that matters even if you pass the certification is the work-exp. So, its better you get yourself exposed to EJBs in the industry environment as well. You say that you have good know how of servlets and jsp. May be you can think of SCWCD as well. how many hours you say you would study daily?? cheers, Jai
hi, I am using Win2000 environment and my path looks like : path=D:\jdk1.3.1_10\bin;D:\j2sdkee1.3.1\bin;D:\j2sdkee1.3.1\lib; And I have corrected the publice typo in the code - Thanks Viktor. what command should enable javac to trace the ejb package. Currently I am using D:\projects\advice\src> javac -d ../classes headfirst/*.java
Hi! Why compiler not able to trace the package. What environment variable am i missing can someone tell.
D:\projects\advice\src>javac -d ../classes headfirst/*.java headfirst/AdviceHome.java:9: = expected publice Advice create() throws CreateException , RemoteException; ^ headfirst/Advice.java:4: package javax.ejb does not exist import javax.ejb.*; ^ headfirst/Advice.java:7: cannot resolve symbol symbol : class EJBObject location: interface headfirst.Advice public interface Advice extends EJBObject{ ^ headfirst/AdviceBean.java:3: package javax.ejb does not exist import javax.ejb.*; ^ headfirst/AdviceBean.java:6: cannot resolve symbol symbol : class SessionBean location: class headfirst.AdviceBean public class AdviceBean implements SessionBean { ^ headfirst/AdviceBean.java:18: cannot resolve symbol symbol : class SessionContext location: class headfirst.AdviceBean public void setSessionContext(SessionContext ctx){ ^ headfirst/AdviceHome.java:3: package javax.ejb does not exist import javax.ejb.*; ^ headfirst/AdviceHome.java:7: cannot resolve symbol symbol : class EJBHome location: interface headfirst.AdviceHome public interface AdviceHome extends EJBHome { ^ headfirst/AdviceHome.java:9: cannot resolve symbol symbol : class publice location: interface headfirst.AdviceHome publice Advice create() throws CreateException , RemoteException; ^ 9 errors
Jai "Do to others what you would have them do to you"