Carrie Prebble

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since Jan 23, 2004
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Piyush P,

The whole reason-for-being for this calendar example is to allow a test to inject a date for the unit to work on. Another solution to writing testable code in the unit might be to have all the methods in the unit accept a Calendar as an argument and return a Calendar.

The Calendar getter returns a clone if the member is not set. If it's not cloned then I couldn't have multiple calendars like:
Calendar startDate = getCalendar();
Calendar endDate = get Calendar();
because they would be the same date and changing one would change the other.

16 years ago
Thank you for your quick reply. Question about your link to PQ75253, it applies to Websphere v5.0.1, is it relevant for v5.1? Could you comment on PQ77263. Searle mentions it at the bottom of his article. Is it a similar fix? Is it applicable to Websphere v5.1?
Thanks in advance, Carrie
We've recently started using Websphere 5.1 for developing our web application. We had been previously using the xerces v2.1 parser and discovered that Websphere uses the xerces v2.01 parser. One of my questions is: is it possible to upgrade the parser that Websphere uses? I read Barry Searle's "Avoiding ClassCastExceptions due to Xerces Libraries within Web Modules on Websphere Application Server" and implemented his suggestions for using a different xerces version. There was a ClassCastException for the logging service so this issue is still not solved for me. I have many questions regarding the way Websphere works and how best to use it so it doesn't get in my way of creating our application. Would the Kushner book answer these and other questions for me?
Thanks, Carrie