Lucas Smith wrote:that applet is deployed by netbeans. it works well on different computer. any ideas?
Ulf Dittmer wrote:What do you mean by "deployed by netbeans"? An applet is deployed by putting an HTML file -that contains an APPLET (or similar) tag- on a web server. I'd start by putting that in place. One way to achieve that is described here.
Originally posted by Ulf Dittmer:
With a web app it's not possible to get the Windows credentials automatically without resorting to native code like an ActiveX component. But I'll ask again: can't the users enter their username/password into the standard HTTP authentication dialog? I'm sure there's a JAAS module that can take those credentials and validate them against a Windows server. Then you can set a cookie so that users don't have to enter the credentials again for some time.
Originally posted by kapil Gupta:
I have some knowledge of JAAS but dont have any idea abt how to propagate security context from RMI client to server on each api call. I searched on the net but couldn't find any example where JAAS is used for RMI clients in a standalone application (Without application server).
Originally posted by abhi maj:
can anybody please suggest a great book on data structures and algorithms may be separate.. but some thing like a bible.
Thanks a lot,
Originally posted by Mishra Anshu:
Is it mentioned somewhere, how to use Hibernate along with the Spring, in the book ? (I could't find it in the index.).
I hope like the other "In Action Series" books, there will be some working example followed by the concept, just touched upon.