Jason Milliron

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since Jan 25, 2004
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Send resume to jm1468@ameritech.net.


Key Responsibilities:
Key participant in the development of a commercial Retail Planning software application (PACE) including:
oResponsible for requirements gathering, solution design, development, unit testing, and deployment during the full life cycle on application development projects.
oDesign, develop and document moderately complex software modules and components.
oPerform the object oriented analysis, design, and documentation of the project; designing object modules to represent concepts within the software configuration item; utilizing use case diagrams to create object models and class diagrams illustrating system structure; creating sequence diagrams describing the interactions within the system.
oFollow established configuration management procedures to maintain code; will prepare for and participate in design and code reviews; write and edit technical specifications; and will keep current with Java and J2EE technology through training, seminars and professional materials.
oCollaborate and interface with other team members on a frequent basis.
oEstimate tasks with a high degree of predictability.
oEnsure quality software deliverables.
Required Skills
oA Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or related discipline, or equivalent work experience and technical training.
o2 to 5 years experience in business application design, development, installation, and modification in a client/server environment.
o3 years application development experience in a Java environment.
oAt least 1 year of application development experience in a J2EE environment.
oHas a solid understanding of development, quality assurance, and integration methodologies.
oIn-depth experience with information technologies and methodologies in PC computing environments.
oExperience with Eclipse plug-in development, is desired, but not required.
oExperience with Hyperion Essbase or equivalent OLAP, Multi-dimensional technologies is a plus.
oFamiliarity of Agile development and Iterative methodologies is a plus.
18 years ago
Windows Tester is part of RCP Developer at http://www.instantiations.com/rcpdeveloper/howto/test.html

18 years ago
Yes, it makes sense by reading it, but could you show me what the mapping would be? Let's just assume we have 1 parent, not two since that is my actual situation. This is what i have for the child:

<list name="Children" table="TreeChildrenMap" >
<key column="parent_id" not-null="true" />
<index column="position"/>
<many-to-many column="child_id" class="TreeMember"/>

now, i want to reverse it and have the Parent attribute get mapped to its parent using that TreeChildrenMapTable. Or your approach, i just would like to see the mapping. Thanks a ton.

Ok, but now what if all these parent child relationships are in a tree, like a family tree. The amount of levels is 0 to whatever, lets say 4 levels. Now we have great grand parents who have children, grand parents who have a parent and children, parents who have grand parents and children, and children with parent but no children. Currenly the children aspect works by using a list attribute. Will the many-to-one still work given the scenario? Thanks a ton.

Hey all, i am very new to hibernate so please bear with me. I have a case where lets say I have a person object, very generic. In the person object, there is an id (number), name (map to varchar), age (map to number), blah, blah, then a parent variable that is another Person object. So each Person class has a parent attribute which is a Person object. Lets say in my db, i have 2 tables. 1 called people, 2nd called parents. In the parents table i have only two columns, 1 for parent_id and 2nd for child_id. They both map to the People table using the person_id. How the heck to I map this using hibernate? Please help!!!

Somehow you need to make in-memory session replication work. In tomcat this is very easy. You'll have to check out sun's website to see how iplanet 6 does that. Or you could have a specific directory that you save your session info and then have all the servers access the session data from that one place. But the best bet is the in-memory session replication.
19 years ago
Thanks for your input but my company wants to use Iplanet for the webserver. That is one of our company standards. Has anyone used Iplanet 6 for load balancing?
19 years ago
Does anyone have a good site or example, besides the tutorial on onJava.com "Clustering and Load Balancing in Tomcat 5"? I will be developing a new web application. Iplanet 6.1 will be the webserver, Tomcat 5.0.28 will be servlet engine, and IBM Websphere will be the app server. My Tech Arch wants the load balancing between tomcat instances. Is that handled by the web server(iplanet) or tomcat itself? Also, what type of load balancer should I use. Should I configure using mod_jk (is this apache only thing)? Does anyone already have this set up? Thanks in advance.

19 years ago
Ok, thanks for all your help.
19 years ago
Thanks for all your help. I actaully had the two code parts written like that but you mentioned

take care of Java.util.Date and Java.sql.Date

. Did you mean to go into the method getConvertedValueConsideringPrimitives() and handle the Date part of it? If that's what you meant, i would have to get teh jsf source code and modify that, correct? Then re-zip it and then use that jar file? Sorry for all the responses, i really appreciate it.
19 years ago

<managed-property> is an initializing paramter

I didn't think I could initialize a java.util.Date using managed-property. I had to hard code it in the constructor for the actual backing bean.

The 1/2 thing i was talking about was that right now, i'm in phase 1 for this project. This is basically just a working prototype. All my actions are hard coded and not coming from action methods. At this point all my data is static and not coming from the database.

any other ideas?
19 years ago
Thanks. I did put it in the constructor in my backing bean, but i can only initialize it once. I'm doing a 1/2 working demo for a new website and I have an event object that has this event date attribute. Until I write all the backend code, i can only initialize this to one date. The site I'm writing will use a DataGrid to display an ArrayList (another managed bean) of these event Managed Beans. Any suggestions? I could hardcode some logic to use different dates. Don't know the best approach.
19 years ago
Does anyone have a solution to this:

"I have a simple bean with a java.util.Date property named "dateOfBirth" with
get/set methods.

I tried setting its value through JSF's configuration file:


I'm getting:
Feb 15, 2005 11:38:09 AM com.sun.faces.application.ApplicationAssociate createAndMaybeStoreManagedBeans
SEVERE: Managedbean user could not be created Can't instantiate class: '02-15-2005'.
javax.faces.FacesException: Can't instantiate class: '02-15-2005'.

I tried various date formats but haven't succeeded.
Perhaps there is no internal converter for this type of class?"

This is on a Sun Thread but no one really responeded. I am having the same problem. Anyone have a solution?
19 years ago

Actually, no it will not. It doesn't work (because the leading slash makes the URL server-relative), but it has nothing to do with the port number.

Your right, i meant what you said but I didn't know the correct wording. Up in the URL it is placed right after the port number, but nothing to do with the port number. Sorry for the confusion.
19 years ago

Otherwise, how would the container know which web application to route the request to? The context path must be used in such situations.

If you use this sample code:

<form name="testForm" action="TestServlet">
<input type=submit>



The TestServlet is looking from context root on. I don't have to include the context path in my action. If I put a "/" in front of TestServlet then it will look from the server port number, such as localhost:8080/TestServlet, but if I leave off "/", it will look at localhost:8080/context_root/TestServlet. The server handles it.

19 years ago