Originally posted by Michael Mendelson:
Well Martin (or anyone), what about small projects? The client I mentioned in my initial post is a small organization, and I am a solo consultant, working with another developer (in yet another location).
I am not interested in implementing ALL of XP, but would like to explore SOME of its techniques which can assist my development process.
For example, how would you implement User Stories in my situation?
I would certainly use stories in your situation. Have a session with your customer asking them about the things they want the system to do. Write each wish on an index card. Spend an hour or so coming up with estimates for each card. Decide your iteration length and velocity. The units of estimation don't matter as long as they are consistent with your velocity. Come back to the customer and say something like "we can do 6 gummi bears worth of work each week. I've taken each of your wishes and estimated how many gummi bears each one is. Please arrange the cards into weeks for me so I can prioritize my work. That's your release plan. For more details see my book :-) (Or indeed poke around the various XP sites like