Raghu Mat

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since Feb 19, 2004
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How Servlet Container locates servlet, in case multiple servlets with different names are present. please give me details.
19 years ago
Thanx everyone,
specifically to Sandeep, for pointing me to the MouseAdapter class.I am including the explaination at SUN site ,in case if any others want to be more clear on this topic.
:-) A interviewer really screwed me up, with this question.
public abstract class MouseAdapter
extends Object
implements MouseListener

An abstract adapter class for receiving mouse events. The methods in this class are empty. This class exists as convenience for creating listener objects.

Mouse events let you track when a mouse is pressed, released, clicked, when it enters a component, and when it exits. (To track mouse moves and mouse drags, use the MouseMotionAdapter.)

Extend this class to create a MouseEvent listener and override the methods for the events of interest.

(If you implement the MouseListener interface, you have to define all of the methods in it. This abstract class defines null methods for them all, so you can only have to define methods for events you care about.)

Create a listener object using the extended class and then register it with a component using the component's addMouseListener method. When a mouse button is pressed, released, or clicked (pressed and released), or when the mouse cursor enters or exits the component, the relevant method in the listener object is invoked and the MouseEvent is passed to it.
19 years ago
why does any one want to have an abstract class with concrete methods only,(NO abstract methods) if one cannot instantiate the class. Moreover, why does any one want to put concrete methods in an abstract class and extend it in order to use them.(Remember, the class contains concrete methods only and NOT abstract methods).
19 years ago
I heard at a recent technical conference held by an MNC that .NET websevices doesn't support complex data types(ex:user defined classes) but Java supports them.if this is true,how are the webservices developed in each of these technologies going to interoperate?
20 years ago
There is some effort going on at Apache.org by name WS-FX/wss4j
wss4j is the implementation of WS-security specs from OASIS.
I hope you can find a solution there.
Raghu M
20 years ago