Vanchi Nathan

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since Feb 24, 2004
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Recent posts by Vanchi Nathan


Think that you did not start your server while executing the webtest app.
16 years ago
Hi all,

I am using Struts 1.3.8 and want to use EL expression in my Jsp page.
The application is using a bean "code.AddressForm" and action "code.AddressAction" which are defined in struts-config.xml file. The problem is that when i want to use EL it displays the expression itself. I dont know what is missing, but struts bean tag displays the bean property.

please help.

Jsp code:

The output is:

The lib folder contains the following jar files:

thanks in advance..

17 years ago
sorry typo..

Afterthat i worked without this Error: No source files and no packages been specified error.

After that it worked without the error...

17 years ago
hi guys..

thanks a lot..

actually the war file doesnt contain any valid java class or package in the src (src/java) folder. I then created a temporary java class in that folder. Afterthat i worked without this Error: No source files and no packages been specified error.


17 years ago

thanks for the reply.

yes, i did launch the ant from the directory the build.xml was located.

17 years ago
hi all,

I was trying to use the build file provided in struts-blank-1.3.8.war application. Within the build.xml file i did set the path for servlet-api.jar that is pointed to the local tomcat installation. When i execute the build.xml file i am getting the following error.

C:\Documents and Settings\vanchin\workspace\struts_blank\WEB-INF\src\build.xml:97: No source files and no package been specified.

The following is the code in the build.xml file.

Please, someone help me to fix this problem.

thanks in advance..

17 years ago
hi Michael,

The code is found in the book : 'Core JSTL Mastering the JSP Standard Tag Library" on page 94.
17 years ago

thanks your code did work...

Please brief, why shouldn't we use the ExpressionEvaluationManager class as the code i used was from a text book.


17 years ago
hello Christophe Verre,

thanks for the reply... i have quoted the jsp code..for your perusal..

<%@taglib uri='../WEB-INF/core-jstl.tld' prefix='core-jstl' %>

<font size='5'>Request Parameters: </font>
<p><core-jstl:showMap map='${param}'/></p>
<font size='5'>Request Headers:</font>
<p><core-jstl:showMap map='${header}'/></p>
<font size='5'>Cookies:</font>
<p><core-jstl:showMap map='${cookie}'/></p>

The tag handler is as follows:
17 years ago
Hi all,

I got the following exception while trying to integrate a custom action with JSTL EL.

SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exception
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: An error occurred while evaluating custom action attribute "map" with value "org.apache.commons.el.ImplicitObjects$5@1b34126": Attempt to convert String "org.apache.commons.el.ImplicitObjects$5@1b34126" to type "java.util.Map", but there is no PropertyEditor for that type (null)
at org.apache.taglibs.standard.lang.jstl.Evaluator.evaluate(
at org.apache.taglibs.standard.lang.jstl.Evaluator.evaluate(
at code.tag.ShowMapAction.doStartTag(

The error shown is at ShowMapAction class at map = (Map) ExpressionEvaluatorManager.evaluate("map", mapName,Map.class, this, pageContext);

I have defined the tld file as well. Can anyone help me to sought this out?

Thanks in advance

17 years ago
hi.. there,

finally, i got it working...the exception occured because the Cactus.jar was not included in the web application/WEB-INF/lib folder.

18 years ago
Hi all,

I am new to Cactus test env.

I have just extracted Cactus and tried the sample application test. When i use the browser to invoke TestServletRunner by the following URL:


i am getting the following error.. Anyone there.. kindly help me to sort out this.. many thanks.

- by -
18 years ago
Hi there!

How to receive sms from an sms gateway: clickatel gateway? I am using their http/s apis, but i don't see any class or interface to receive or read from an sms gateway.

any guidance is appreciated.


18 years ago
Hello there!

Why do we need an SMS gateway server when there is such a server with the Telco operators?

example: bearerbox, commzgate servers.


18 years ago

Anyone can guide me on how to write a Java program to stay on the system tray in windows OS.

Thanks in adv.

18 years ago