imre leber

Ranch Hand
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since Feb 26, 2004
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Recent posts by imre leber

Yesterday i was contacted by a firm because they were urgently looking for somebody to work as an embedded software engineer in a java environment.
Now i do have three years of embedded experience in a C++ environment, and i am SCJP certified.
So i was wondering wether there is a big difference between regular java and embedded java (or is it just J2SE in small, with some extras for communication, interrupt handling(?), ...)?
19 years ago
I am seriously puzzled about something, my certification books says that there must be 6 predefined request attributes:
  • javax.servlet.error.status_code
  • javax.servlet.error.exception_type
  • javax.servlet.error.message
  • javax.servlet.error.request_uri
  • javax.servlet.error.servlet_name

  • Now first of all (the book doesn't mention any names you can use with

    and second when i try to get all the attribute names from a normal request like:

    I don't get any results back in tomcat 5.
    Is it mandatory for the exam to know every single way a http get query string can be constructed or can you just suffice with the basics like
    So, when do you think we can expect SCJWSD?
    I think sun should give all sun certified people a chance to get beta software as an appreciation for investing you future in the company.
    I think microsoft does similar things with their MCPs.
    20 years ago
    Most books on servlets seem to say that the URL to a servlet is:
    but that does not seem to work (in tomcat 5.0), doing it the more intuitive way:
    however seems to work. Does anybody know what is up with this?
    20 years ago
    Of what i could read from the scarce information on the internet it is going to be RAD developpement with code clearly seperated from the page authors. Directly giving raise to the following questions:
    Are Java Server Faces going to open up new possibilities? Is it going to be better then ASP.NET? Will it require completely new training?
    Is it going to give you an advantage if you learn this technology today. Maybe in cooperation with an SCWCD 1.4?
    20 years ago
    JSP is of course filled with XML, but how big does your knowledge of XML need to be to pass the exam?
    I actually have an older version of this book. Found it very difficult to read and get any decent amount of info out of it.
    So totaly o'reilly, currently i am trying to stay away from o'reilly books as far as possible. All that i have read proved to be under any acceptable quality.
    There seems to be realy complete book on JSP 2.0 at:
    called The Compele teReference JSP 2.0.
    Has anybody looked at this book and could you use it to study for SCWCD 1.4.
    What if you're already a proficient PHP programmer?
    20 years ago
    Will having an SCWCD help to get you a job as a PHP/mySQL programmer?
    20 years ago
    Or, ...
    Maybe they are just testing you to see what you would do/say.
    20 years ago
    What is SCJWSD? Is it an upcomming exam? When could we expect it?
    It might be something interesting for when i passed SCWCD.
    I am just browsing through the servlet specification and in the part where i thought i would find something about web.xml, i see that it mentions JAX-RPC.
    Are web services on the exam?