G Subrahmanyam

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since Dec 16, 2000
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Recent posts by G Subrahmanyam

Hi, In what way JDK1.4 is different from earlier Jdks. Pl. list them for reference.
22 years ago
One can use java.io.serializable for the same
22 years ago
The order of execution is determined by the ordering in the deployment descriptor.
22 years ago
How filter mechanism works in SERVLETS 2.3. Pl. give with an eg.
22 years ago
Nice Reply
23 years ago
The following url gives the detailed explanation of gridbagconstraints and usage
Hi Shyam
We can use Interrupt() method. Basically , suspend() and resume() methods are deprecated and replaced with interrupt() method.
As it was said rightly, wait() and notify() must be called from within synchronized code.A call to wait(), it releases the lock and go to sleep mode. The notify() and notify all() methods moves the object from wating state to ready state,but notify all() method moves all the waiting threads to ready state.
Can any one explain me about wrapper object. Thanks in advance.
Why float to long is defined as narrow conversion as per JLS
23 years ago
Hi ,
It is shocking news for me at this moment as I am planning to take the exam in the first week of Jan 2001. If there is any change please provide the url about info to my email id gvbsvv@excite.com
Well done Vivek,
Can you send me the info which will help me for the test. I will be greatful.
Thanks in advance.
23 years ago