Namitha karupaiya

Ranch Hand
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since Mar 10, 2004
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Recent posts by Namitha karupaiya

@paul wheaton

Luckily I found a very good forum,

They use a powerful reputation system, which is a measurement of the behaviour of the users and moderators.

If you use a reputation system like that, you may simply find out what people like Bear Bibeault really does here!!
13 years ago
I use a Servlet to stream an image from the database and I use the <h:graphicImage/> tag for display as follows:

The problem starts if I include the 2nd parameter (¶2=name2) and I get the following error message:

The reference to entity "para2" must end with the ';' delimiter

Am I missing anything?
14 years ago

The above JSF 2.0 markup depicts a very common scenario.

If the user selects “Yes” for the question “Do you have a driving license?”, then the “Enter driving license number:” field is rendered by Ajax.

If the user enters the driving license number and presses the button, the input data should be displayed at the bottom (according to my understanding), but it is not happening.

Please anyone explain this.

14 years ago

Can't I discuss the behavior of Bear Bibeault here? Have I behaved in the above thread inappropriately?
14 years ago
After the thread had been locked Bear Bibeault posted a reply AND THEN DELETED IT. That means TWO operations were done on a locked thread. How he is able to freely operate on a locked thread? What is the meaning of locking a thread?
14 years ago
In many earlier occasions I have issues with Bear Bibeault. He intentionally divert the purpose of my thread. That is why I call him unprofessional and rude.
14 years ago
After locking my thread Bear Bibeault posting replies, but not allowing me to post.
14 years ago
Can anyone please explain me why the top and bottom margins of the inner box comes as zero in the output ( from the code listed bellow:

(If the commented CSS portion comes into effect, the output comes as expected)

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=utf-8 />
<title>Why is this?</title>
<style type="text/css">

.outter-box {
width: 900px;
/* border: 1px solid gray;*/
margin: auto;
background-color: gray;

.inner-box {
height: 300px;
width: 500px;
margin: 10px;
background-color: yellow;
<div class='outter-box'>
<div class='inner-box'>
Any small help from anyone will be greatly appreciated.

14 years ago
Consider the following code fragment which may appear in an Asynchronous Servlet:

According to the specification onStartAsync(AsyncEvent event) method should be called when startAsync() is called on the request object.
According to my understanding onStartAsync(AsyncEvent event) will never be called because the AsyncListener() is added to the AsyncContext AFTER calling startAsync(). (& there is no way to add the the AsyncListener() before calling startAsync())

Am I missing anything?

14 years ago
Thanks suresh dasari !

Where should I place this file in my project?
14 years ago
Is it possible to override the error message from a built-in validator (ex: valueRequired validator) globally? That means if I make some changes in the web.xml or faces-config.xml, I will have my custom message for this validator in all my JSF pages.
14 years ago
How can I put my custom error messages for JSF built-in validators?
14 years ago