Jim Kanihan

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since Mar 25, 2000
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Thanks to erich brant for all the info, with one small correction. www.php.com seems to be a site for the group "Parents Helping Parents". For info about PHP programming, go to www.php.net
23 years ago
Hello everyone,
I hope you don't mind if I add PHP to the ASP vs JSP discussion. I've recently been working on a web application that was implemented as an Apache Web Server module written in C++.
We are starting a new project with more modest requirements, and the powers that be are trying to decide between ASP, PHP and JSP. The application is mostly simple to moderately complex HTML forms and an Oracle database.
Anyway, I was wondering if any of you JSP gurus out there have used PHP and what you think of it compared to JSP. I have a little PHP experience, but have never used ASP or JSP. We are probably not going to use ASP, mostly because we like Apache and we don't want to get involved with IIS.
Thanks in advance for any comments you may have.
23 years ago