Arun varma

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since Mar 21, 2004
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Recent posts by Arun varma

I have a iterator tag which iterate on a list say Employees. Employees list contains object of Class Employee. Employee class has a boolean field resigned. I have a condition on resigned attribute say if resigned == true then show employee resigned details and if resigned == false then i need to show employee details.

How to evaluate the property value ?.

<s:iterator value="myList">
<s:if test="<s:property value="resigned">" == 'true'>
do some calculation
do some calculation

14 years ago
In Struts2

I want to know how can i hide and show <s:textfield> dynamically. Just say i have boolean flag in action class, based on the flag value,if flag is true i want to show textfield or if false i want to hide textfield.
15 years ago
JPA support jdk1.4 ?
I am deploying Ejb3.0 Stateless session bean as a EAR file into jboss4.2.2 server.Deployment is sucessfull but i cant able to access it.
//Lookup code
Hello hello = (Hello) ctx.lookup("HelloBean/remote");

Exception comes as "HelloBean not bound"

When i deploy bean as Ejb jar file its working fine, I can lookup bean, No exception and get correct output.

Please tell me If i deploy bean as a EAR file how to lookup.
Package is almost same.I am looking for career growth and where i can learn new things and where i can get quality work.
17 years ago
I currently had a offer from T-Systems and i-flex pune for Java/J2ee Technology.I am having 2 years of experence.Kindly suggest me which to opt.
17 years ago
As we know there are 4 types of driver in JDBC.Can anyone tell me when to use which type of driver.Means how you should identify which driver is suitable.
Can any one tell me the difference between Java Bean and Enterprise Java Bean(EJB).And where Java Bean and Enterprise Java Bean(EJB) can be used.
U know how much apprisal Syntel gives.... 0%, 3%, 5%, 7% there is no standared in this company.
17 years ago