This week's book giveaway is in the Design and Architecture forum.
We're giving away four copies of Communication Patterns: A Guide for Developers and Architects and have Jacqui Read on-line!
See this thread for details.

Priya Sri

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Both RAD and Tomcat on same machine.

ping - Result is ==> Request Timed out.
telnet 80 - Result is ==> Could not open connection to the host, on port 80: Connect failed

With RAD, it works. Tomcat - Does not work !!

12 years ago
Tried with ping - Result is ==> Request Timed out.

With telnet 80 - Result is ==> Could not open connection to the host, on port 80: Connect failed

The same code works through RAD - using main() method.
If Firewall exists for that server, it should not be working through RAD also right ??

12 years ago
Can you explain in detail what are the settings that i missed ?
12 years ago
Hi all,

i have deployed a war file in tomcat. The war file is supposed to contact a password vault server and give the password for my application.
But it is hanging at the place of connecting to the server ip address.
When we run the same with Run as Java application using main() from RAD/WSAD, it works perfectly and giving the password to us.
we used ipaddress 10.x.x.x in the place of No Working anyways.
Just hangs at the line in RED below. Not coming exception block also.

We are running tomcat on 8080 port. Do I need to do any configuration/setting in tomcat server.xml for connecting to another IP address or server ?? Please guide me.
12 years ago
Very sorry...the code there is actually like this:
excelFile = File.createTempFile("MyExcel1", ".xls",new File("C:\"));
Hi all,

I am trying to write some data to an excel using the below code. The data in MyExcel1 can be found in the variable "copy". But is not getting written to MyExcel2.xls
Please help !!

Priya Sri
I tried with BufferedWriter as well to write newline. But that is not working with .rtf files.

Can any one help me on this.
13 years ago
I'm putting different lines in the screen and trying to convert "\n" to new line in the RTF document but i'm getting as one line .rtf document not recognizing the new line char.
I'm converting each char to byte and putting in the byte array

and using the File Output Stream i'm printing on the document.

13 years ago

Tried this. but no change...

If you have an examples of editable Jcombobox in JTable working without hitting enter key... I searched in this site as well.. but not found useful links. please post that if you have any.

Example : Jcombobox has 3 choices. On selecting 3 rd choice, it should become editable and user should key the value. Now at this point, user move the tab or click on the mouse, the entered value should be selected in the jcombo box.

But jcombobox is taking the value only on click of enter key.

13 years ago
I have added this line. But it is not working.
Can you describe in detail.
13 years ago

i have a problem using an editable JComboBox as cell editor in a JTable.

When i edit the combo and then I press the TAB or ENTER key then all works fine and the value in the TableModel is updated with the edited one,
if i leave the cell with the mouse
traverse to another cell through arrow keys
click on any other cell, the typed value is going off

and the value is not passed to the TableModel. Why ? Is there a way to solve this problem ?

Priya Sri
13 years ago
Hi All,

I modified the code. Its working perfectly using SwingUtilities.invokeLater as suggested by you.

Thanks you All !!!

14 years ago
I tried as you said, but syntax errors at the mentioned lines

14 years ago

Maneesh Godbole wrote:You need to wrap it like this:

Where to put this code in the code i sent ?? Need more explanation please...
14 years ago
Hi all,

I have Jcombobox in JTable. In the dropdown, on choosing "Enter Value" option, combobox is editable.

Able to enter the value on Choosing 'Enter Value' but the cursor stays after Enter Value| like this.

So, I need to press backspace and deleting that Enter Value and then only able to type the value in that.

I want to highlight 'Enter Value' So that on any key press, Enter Value will get deleted.

Below is the code. Please check it and tell me where i am going wrong. I tried with FocusListener also.. But no use.

14 years ago